James Abbott
James Abbotts;James Abbot |
1744 |
1800 |
Henry Abeel
Henry O'Beal;Henry O'Bail;Henry O'Beil;Henry O'Neal;Henry Cornplanter |
1778 |
1832 |
Son of cornp2 |
Lucy Abrams
Eunice Abrams
John Adams
Parmenio Adams
Samuel Adams
1773 |
1844 |
Daniel Adams
Henry Addington
Lord Sidmouth;1st Viscount Sidmouth |
1757 |
1844 |
Josiah Adds
Josiah Adds |
John Adlum
1759 |
1836 |
James Agnew
James Tanner Agnew |
1719 |
1777 |
Thomas Alby
Nathaniel Aldridge
Adam Allen
1773 |
1844 |
Humphrey Allen
Umphrey Alden |
Husband of jalle1. |
Jane Allen
Jane Alden |
Wife of halle1 |
Jediah Allen
1765 |
1818 |
Jon Allen
Joseph Allen
1763 |
1837 |
Stephen Allen
1767 |
1852 |
William Allen
1770 |
1843 |
Billy Bowlegs;Alligator King;Billy Bolek |
1810 |
1859 |
Birthdate is approximate. |
William Allinson
1766 |
1841 |
Thomas Almy
Thomas Almey |
William Almy
1761 |
1836 |
Obadiah Almy
John Alsop
1753 |
Jeffery Amherst
Jeffrey Amherst |
1717 |
1797 |
Jenny Andrews
Peter Andrews
1707 |
1756 |
Charles Andrews
Jacob Anthony
Jacob Antony |
Robert Armstrong
Robert Armstrong |
1775 |
1825 |
Frederick Arnold
Sylvester Ash
John Askin
John Arken |
1739 |
1815 |
Mahlon Atkinson
Anne Attmore
1743 |
1813 |
General Christopher C. Augur |
1821 |
1898 |
Hendricks Aupaumat
Hendricks Aupaumet;Hendricks Apaumet;Hendricks Apaumut;Captain Hendricks Aupaumut;Captain Hendrick;Hendrick Aut. |
1757 |
1830 |
Father of ahend1 and shend1;husband of lquin1 |
E Austin
William Ayres
William Dyres |
Sampson Babb
Sampson Babs |
1740 |
1814 |
George Babor
George Beeber;George Bieber |
1761 |
1846 |
George Bachelor
William Backhouse
Job Bacon
1735 |
1801 |
David Bacon
1729 |
1809 |
Joseph Badger
1757 |
1852 |
David Baker
1745 |
Elisha Baker
1773 |
1840 |
Father of ebake2 |
Elisha Baker
1818 |
1842 |
Son of ebake1 |
George Baker
William Baker
Elizabeth Baldwin
Jonathan Baldwin
Peter Baldwin
Samuel Baldwin
1754 |
1837 |
William Banlin
James Barbour
1775 |
1842 |
Robert Barclay
1648 |
1690 |
John Bark
John Bark |
Caleb Barker
1852 |
Husband of rbark1 |
Jesse Barker
John Barker
Peter Barker
Husband of abark2 |
Rachel Barker
Rachel Sands |
Wife of cbark1 |
Abner Barker
Abigail Barker
Abigail Drinker |
1773 |
1840 |
Wife of pbark1 |
William Barling
Hannah Barnard
Hannah Barnet |
1754 |
1825 |
Rhoda Barrett
1801 |
John Barrow
John Barron;John Barra |
Joseph Barton
Husband of rbart1 |
Ashby Barton
Rosanna Barton
Wife of jbart1 |
Isaac Bassett
Husband of mbass1 |
Mary Bassett
Wife of ibass1 |
Benjamin Bates
Frederick Bates
Jonathan Battey
Fransey Baubee
Fransey Baubee |
1733 |
1820 |
William Bayard
1761 |
1826 |
Jonathan Beaubien
Lewis Beaufait
The Beaver |
Samuel Becket
John Bedient
Jeremiah Belknap
1744 |
1798 |
John Bell
Mary Bell
Wife of jbell1 |
John Bell
Husband of mbell1 |
Andrew Bell
Anthony Benezet
1713 |
1784 |
Jacob Bennett
James Bennit
James Bennit |
Rushmore Bennit
George Bent
George Bent;Colonel Bent |
1843 |
1918 |
Jeremy Bentham
1748 |
1832 |
Caleb Bentley
Caleb Bently |
John Bentley
Gilbert Berry
Jack Berry
1839 |
Jacob Berson
Samuel Bettle
1774 |
1861 |
William Beven
Joseph Beven
Joseph Beven |
Joseph Bianson
John Biddle
1815 |
Owen Biddle
1737 |
1799 |
Big Fire
Big Kettle
Allan Billingham
Squire Birch
Joseph Bird
Joseph Byrd |
1838 |
Husband of ebird1;father of abird1 |
Ann Bird
1798 |
1831 |
Daughter of jbird1 |
Elizabeth Bird
Elizabeth Byrd |
1849 |
Wife of jbird1 |
Nathan Bishop
1774 |
1854 |
Harry Bishop
Liman Bishop
Lucy Bishop
1855 |
Maria Bishop
Jesse Biskeyhead
Jesse Bushyhead;Jesse Biskeyhead |
1804 |
1844 |
Ezra Black
Black Chief
Jacob Blacksmith
Jacob Blacksmith |
Jacob Blacksnake
Jacob Blacksnake |
John Blake
William Blakey
1739 |
1822 |
Samuel Blatchford
1767 |
1828 |
Barent Bleeker
1760 |
1841 |
Blind Chief
1749 |
1800 |
Blue Eyes
Hau-neh-hoy's-oh;Blue Eyes |
Blue Sky
Joseph Blunt
Jacob Bogardus
Jacob Bogarder |
1750 |
1839 |
Alexander Bogg
Jerome Bonaparte
Jérôme Bonaparte;King of Westphalia |
1784 |
1860 |
Joseph Bond
Phineas Bond
1749 |
1815 |
Henry Boner
Isaac Bonsal
1765 |
1831 |
John Boon
Henry Booth
Thomas Borden
1760 |
1848 |
John Borden
1836 |
Benjamin Borden
1766 |
1848 |
Elias Boudinot
1740 |
1821 |
Michael Bowers
Henry Bowman
1767 |
1832 |
Robert Bowne
1744 |
1818 |
Elizabeth Bowne
1836 |
George Bowne
1797 |
Samuel Bowne
1767 |
1803 |
William Bowne
1771 |
1824 |
Abraham Bradbury
Edward Braddock
1710 |
1755 |
George Bradshaw
Robert Bradshaw
1722 |
1794 |
John Brady
Abraham Brand
William Brandt
Joseph Brant
Captain Brandt;Joseph Brant |
1743 |
1807 |
Brother of |
Isaac Brayton
Mariam Breed
Peace Breed
1798 |
1847 |
Wife of sbree1. |
Daniel Breed
1769 |
1852 |
Stephen Breed
1796 |
1871 |
Husband of pbree1. |
Lydia Breed
Arthur Breese
Henry Brevoort
1857 |
Walter Briggs
Isaac Briggs
1763 |
1825 |
John Brightman
Joseph Bringhurst
1767 |
1834 |
Joseph Brintnell
Joseph Brintnell |
1772 |
1866 |
William Brinton
1759 |
1842 |
Moses Bristol
1790 |
1869 |
Widow Britts
J. Broadhead
Samuel Brooks
1758 |
1848 |
John Brown
David Brown
1751 |
1807 |
John Hillory Brown
Moses Brown
1738 |
1836 |
Nicholas Brown
Archibald Bruce
1777 |
1818 |
Joseph Bruister
Joseph Wadsworth Brewster |
1764 |
1849 |
Edward Brundige
Edward Brundige |
1838 |
Samuel Bryant
Widow Bufkins
Buckangehelas;Buckengihilas;Buckingehelas |
Captain Banbury;Captain Bunberry |
Jemima Bunken
Ely Bunker
George Bunker
1777 |
1811 |
Josiah Bunting
1734 |
1816 |
William Burling
1863 |
Garret Burlis
Garret Burlis |
1824 |
Daniel Burns
Daniel Byrne |
Adam Burrell
John Burrow
John Butcher
John Butler
1803 |
1887 |
Father of llbutl1 |
Lydia Butler
1847 |
Daughter of jbutl1 |
Richard Butler
Thomas Butler
1774 |
1861 |
John Butler
1728 |
1796 |
Button George
George Button |
Agness Cadwalader
1773 |
daughter of acadw1 |
Jonah Cadwalader
Jonas Cadwallader |
1774 |
1815 |
brother of rcadw2;son of rcadw1 |
Abraham Cadwalader
1731 |
1793 |
fahter of acadw2 |
Reese Cadwalader
Reese Cadwallider |
1742 |
1800 |
father of rcadw2 and jcadw1 |
Ruth Cadwallader
1776 |
sister of jcadw1; daughter of rcadw1 |
Nicholas Cah vat coon ter
Charles Caldwell
1772 |
1853 |
Hannah Caleb
John Calhoun
1782 |
1850 |
Bartholomew Calvin
Wilted Grass;Shawuskukhkung |
Alexander Campbell
1779 |
1857 |
David Canada
Benjamin Canby
Samuel Canby
1751 |
1832 |
Captain Blue Jacket
Captain Blue Jacket |
ca. 1752 |
ca. 1810 |
Captain Frost
Captain Frost |
1846 |
Captain Gold
Captain Hermaunus
assaulted Jacob Lindley while intoxicated, 1793 |
Captain Honnes
Captain Isaac
Captain Jimmy
Tommy Jimmy;Captain Jimmy |
Captain John
Captain Jones
Captain Keasy
Brother of cbran1 |
Captain Lewis
Colonel Lewis;Captain Lewis |
Captain Peter
Captain Pipe
Pipe;Hopocan;Captain Pipe |
1725 |
1818 |
Captain Prantup
Teeroos;Captain Drankup |
Samuel Carey
1791 |
1874 |
John Carle
1819 |
Abraham Carlisle
1720 |
1778 |
Caleb Carmalt
1792 |
1862 |
Mary Carpenter
Wife of scarp2 |
Levi Carpenter
Husband of scarp2. |
Mary Carpenter
Wife of tcarp1 |
Moses Carpenter
Sarah Carpenter
Wife of lcarp1 |
Seymore Carpenter
Husband of mcarp2. |
Thomas Carpenter
1752 |
1857 |
Husband of mcarp3. |
Isaac Carr
William Carr
Carry-Folks-People-About;Carry-one-about;Sa-wagh-da-wunk;Sa-wagn-da-wunk;King of all the nations;King of all the western nations up the lakes; |
William Carter
Richard Carter
James Cary
James Cary |
1820 |
1894 |
Jonas Cattell
Jonas Cattle |
1828 |
Thomas Chalkley
1675 |
1741 |
John Chambers
1780 |
1852 |
Gouldsmith Chandlee
Goldsmith Chandlee |
1751 |
1821 |
Israel Chapin
1740 |
1795 |
Israel Chapin
1763 |
1833 |
Charles Chapman
1754 |
1818 |
Mock Charles
Charley;Sleepy One |
Francis Chase
Son of achas1 and mchas1 |
Maria Chase
1798 |
Daughter of achas1 and mchas1 |
Mary Chase
1772 |
Mother of of echas1, fchas1, mchas2, rchas1, schas2 |
Philip Chase
1767 |
Husband of achas2. |
Rebecca Chase
1810 |
Daughter of achas1 and mchas1 |
Stephen Chase
1796 |
Son of achas1 and mchas1 |
Edward Chase
1815 |
Son of achas1 and mchas1 |
Alice Chase
1785 |
Wife of pchas1 |
Abijah Chase
Husband of mchas1; father of echas1, fchas1, mchas2, rchas1, schas2 |
Hannah Checks
Jacob Checkthankuns
G. Cholwell
R. Christmas
George Churchman
1730 |
1814 |
John Churchman
1705 |
1775 |
Allen Clap
Allen Clap |
1851 |
Samuel Clark
1735 |
1802 |
Abigail Clark
Benjamin Clark
J Clark
Joseph Clark
1745 |
1833-06-27 |
Thomas Clark
George Clarke
General Clarkson |
1752 |
1818 |
Matthew Clarkson
1758 |
1825 |
Jacob Claton
1762 |
1843 |
Henry Clay
1777 |
1852 |
Clear Sky
Clear Sky |
Nathan Cleaver
1801 |
1887 |
John Cleaver
1760 |
1823 |
Henry Clifton
Henry Clafton |
1753 |
1830 |
William Clifton
Henry Clinton
Sir Henry Clinton;General Clinton |
1730 |
1795 |
DeWitt Clinton
1769 |
1828 |
George Clinton
1739 |
1812 |
Gillis Clute
Isaac Coates
1748 |
1809 |
Son of scoat1 |
Lindley Coates
1794 |
1856 |
Son of icoat1. |
Lydia Coates
1778 |
1839 |
Daughter of icoat1 |
Samuel Coates
1748 |
1830-06-04 |
Father of icoat1. |
Abner Coats
1768 |
1820 |
Cousin of icoat1. |
Andrew Cock
1832 |
Thomas Cody
Elijah Coffin
Eliah Coffin |
1798 |
1862 |
Richard Coffin
William H. Coffin
1830 |
1925 |
Abel Coffin
1780 |
Nicholas Coggeshal
Elizabeth Coggeshall
Elizabeth Cogshall;Elizabeth Cogshell |
1770 |
1851 |
Cadwallader Colden
1769 |
1834 |
Charles Cole
Son-in-law of Henry Hull hhull1. |
Christopher Colles
Thomas Colley
1742 |
1812 |
Isaac Collins
1746 |
1817 |
William Collins
1815 |
Sarah Collins
1775 |
1855 |
Patrick Colquhoun
1815 |
1891 |
Judah Colt
Ezra Comfort
1777 |
1847 |
Sarah Comfort
Joseph Compton
Joseph Campton |
Jared Comstock
Son of ncoms1. |
Nathan Comstock
Father of jcoms1. |
Thomas Congdon
Gilbert Congdon
1811 |
1870 |
Jacob Conhapot
David Conklins
Connewauteu |
Baties Contien
Conudiu;Conudia;Handsome Lake;Sga:nyodai:yoh;Ganiodaio |
1735 |
1815 |
Half-brother to cornp2 |
Samuel Cook
1765 |
Sarah Cook
Probably the wife of scook2 |
Susanna Cook
1783 |
Thomas Cook
1757 |
1848 |
David Cook
1752 |
1841 |
John Cook
Leonard Cook
1823 |
Nathan Cook
Charity Cook
1745 |
1822 |
Joseph Cooper
William Cooper
1754 |
1809 |
James Cooper
1819 |
Benjamin Cope
Benjamin Cooke;Benjamin Cook;Benjamin Coope |
1765 |
1845 |
Husband of rcoop1 |
Rachel Cope
Rachel Coope |
1771 |
1807 |
Wife of bcoop1. |
Nathan Cope
Nathan Coope;Nathan Cooper |
1733 |
1820 |
Benjamin Corlies
Benjamin Covlies |
1742 |
Jacob Corlis
Jacob Corlis |
1755 |
1841 |
George Corlis
George Corlis |
1749 |
1816 |
William Cornelius
Moses Cornelius
John Cornelius
Augustus Cornelius
Benjamin Cornell
William Cornell
John Cornell
John Abeel;John Abeal;Gaiantwake;Gyantwachia;Kaintwaken;John O'Bail;Ky-on-twa-ky;Gayëntwahgöh;Captain Obeal |
1732? |
1836 |
Charles Cornwallis
1738 |
1805 |
Francis Cornwell
Francis Cornwell |
Adin Cory
1845 |
John Cotteral
1774 |
1852 |
Captain Cowan |
Jesse Cowpland
Jesse Cowpland |
Jacob Cowrlis
Jacob Cowrlis |
1778 |
1834 |
Husband of hcowr1 |
Hannah Cowrlis
Hannah Cowrlis |
1866 |
Wife of jcowr1 |
Isaac Cox
John Cox
1748 |
Isaac Craig
Isaac Crage |
1742 |
1826 |
Jacob Cram
Rev. Mr. Jacob Cram |
1762 |
1833 |
James Crawford
Caleb Cresson
1742 |
1816 |
James Cresson
1741 |
1799 |
Jane Cresson
Jane Crossen |
John Cromwell
1767 |
1828 |
George Crosby
George Crosly;George Crosby |
1748 |
Father of gcros2 |
Grace Crossly
Gracy Crossly |
1776 |
Daughter of gcros1 |
John Crossly
Loruhamah Crossly
Paul Cuffee
1759 |
1817 |
David Cumming
David Cummins |
1801 |
Ebenezor Curtis
1820 |
Nicholas Cusick
Nicholas Cusich;Nicholas Tuisach;Nicholas Schusick;Nicholas Schuysick;Nicholas Cuseck;Nicholas Chusick;Nicholas Kaghnatsto |
1761 |
1841 |
John Cutler
Matinas Dana
Asa Danford
1768 |
1821 |
Richard Daniel
Deborah Darby
1754 |
1810 |
John Darlin
John Darling |
Mary Darragh
1724 |
Suriey Davad
Anthony Davis
Isaac Davis
Rumford Dawes
1741 |
1819 |
Mahlon Day
1790 |
1854 |
Thomas Dean
Stephen Dean
1797 |
James Dean
1748 |
John Dean
1820 |
Henry Dearborn
1751 |
1829 |
Henry DeButts
Joseph Delaplaine
1725 |
1799 |
J. Delinham
George Demeter
Philip Denis
Phillip Denis |
John Denney
John Denney |
George Dennis
Metinas Dennis
Obediah Denniss
Obadiah Denniss |
James Derbyshire
James Darbyshire;James Derbyshier |
Gerrit DeWitt
1762 |
1807 |
Simeon DeWitt
1756 |
1834 |
Frederick Augustus DeZang
Frederick Augustus de Zeng |
1756 |
1838 |
Joshua Dillingham
1828 |
Joseph Dillingham
Moses Dillon
Josiah Dillon
George Dillwyn
1738 |
1820 |
Martin Dinney
Martin Denney |
Silas Dinsmoor
Silas Dinsmoor |
1766 |
1847 |
Isaac Dirmiston
Isaac Dirmiston |
William Dison
William Dixon
1741 |
1833 |
Doctor Peter
John Dodgson
1834 |
mentioned in NYYM accounts (1817) |
Isaac Dolson
Matthew Dolson
1748 |
1815 |
John Dolson
1752 |
1836 |
Ed Donnell
Silas Downing
1747 |
1822 |
Moses Doxstader
1813 |
1891 |
Dochstader;Doxstader |
Polly Doxstader
1785 |
1882 |
Jacob Doxstader
1762 |
1832 |
Mary Doxstader
Mary Dockstater;Mary Peters;Mary Dockstady |
William Doyle
Joseph Drake
John Drake
Daniel Drinker
1735 |
1815 |
Henry Drinker
1734 |
1809 |
John Drinker
1733 |
1800 |
George Duckwell
Paul Dudley
Cornelius Duel
Cornelius Deul;Cornelius Deull;Cornelius Duell |
Thomas Dutton
1769 |
Theodore Dwight
1764 |
1846 |
Peter Dyongevet
Peter Dyongivet |
Abigail Eames
Charles Earle
mentioned by WH 1793 |
Robert Eastburn
John Hartshorne Eddy
1817 |
Thomas Eddy
1758 |
1827 |
Hannah Eddy
Hannah Hartshorne |
1832 |
James Eddy
1712 |
1769 |
George Eddy
1810 |
Charles Eddy
John Edie
Samuel Elain
David Elder
Joseph Elkinton
Joseph Elkington |
1794 |
1868 |
James Ellicott
1772 |
1820 |
John Ellicott
1780 |
1813 |
Jonathan Ellicott
1756 |
1826 |
Joseph Ellicott
Joseph Elicot |
1760 |
1826 |
Thomas Ellicott
1777 |
1859 |
George Ellicott
1760 |
1832 |
Elias Ellicott
1759 |
1827 |
Benjamin Ellicott
1765 |
1827 |
Andrew Ellicott
1734 |
1809 |
Matthew Elliott
John Elliott
Margaret Elliott
Mercy Ellis
1761 |
1848 |
Wife of welli1; mother of welli2 |
Thomas Ellis
1764 |
1826 |
William Ellis
1751 |
1806 |
Father of welli2; husband of melli2 |
William Ellis
1787 |
1871 |
Son of welli1 and melli2 |
Brazillia Ellis
Barzillai Ellis |
1781 |
William Embree
James Embree
1749 |
1815 |
George Embrie
George Embrie |
1799 |
Samuel Emlen
1730 |
1799 |
James Emlen
1799 |
Father of jemle2 |
James Emlen
1792 |
1866 |
Son of jemle1, husband of semle1 |
Sarah Emlen
1787 |
1849 |
Wife of emle2 |
Richard England
Priscilla Evans
David Evans
1733 |
1817 |
Margaret Evans
Joseph Evans
1789 |
1871 |
Joshua Evans
1731 |
1798 |
Hugh Evans
1730 |
1808 |
Enoch Evans
1743 |
1818 |
Thomas Evans
1798 |
1868 |
Son of jevan2 |
Jon Evans
1759 |
1839 |
Father of tevan1 |
Catherine Everett
1768 |
Isaac Everitt
Isaac Everitt |
1737 |
1801 |
John Eves
1726 |
1802 |
John Ewig
William Ewing
Blue Eyes
Thomas Farquhar
Benjamin Farquhar
Allen Farquhar
Allen Farquhar |
1737 |
1798 |
James Faulkner
Samuel Faulkner
Peter Felix
Walter Ferrington
Walter Ferrington |
Benjamin Ferris
1780 |
1867 |
John Ferris
1734 |
1814 |
John Field
Josiah Field
1774 |
1859 |
Peter Field
1753 |
1839 |
Phebe Field
William Field
1767 |
1834 |
Catherine Field
daughter of wfiel1 |
Hannah Field
Joseph Filbrick
Joseph Filbrick |
1755 |
1831 |
Louis Filbrick
Lois Filbrick;Louis Filbrick |
1754 |
1842 |
Preserved Fish
1731 |
1808 |
Josiah Fish
1755 |
1811 |
James Fish
Fish Carrier
Fish Carrier |
1740 |
1807 |
Samuel Fisher
1745 |
1834 |
Brother of mfish1 and tfish1 |
William Fisher
1788 |
1878 |
Myers Fisher
Myers Fisher |
1748 |
1819 |
Brother of sfish1 and tfish1 |
Thomas Fisher
1741 |
1810 |
Brother of mfish1 and sfish1 |
Five Medals
Wonongaseah;Wannangsea |
William Flamier
WIlliam Flamier |
John Flin
John Flinn |
1782 |
1857 |
William Floyd
Colonel William Floyd |
1734 |
1821 |
Benjamin Folsom
John Fopp
John Foreman
Joshua Forman
Joshua Forman |
Oliver Forward
1780 |
1833 |
Richard Foster
William Foster
James Foster
Andrew Foster
William Foster
John Fothergill
1712 |
1780 |
Jesse Foulke
1742 |
1821 |
David Fowler
1735 |
1807 |
Father of bfowl1 and jfowl1 and escip1 |
Jacob Fowler
Son of dfowl1 and brother of bfowl1 |
George Fowler
Benjamin Fowler
1774 |
1848 |
Son of dfowl1 and brother of jfowl1 |
John Francis
1789 |
1861 |
Thomas Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
1705 |
1790 |
Matthew Franklin
1773 |
1815 |
Daniel Frazer
Joseph Frobisher
1748 |
1810 |
Joseph Frost
1790 |
1818 |
Charles Frost
1750 |
1820 |
David Fuller
Robert Fulton
1765 |
1815 |
Isaac Gaige
Isaac Gage |
1770 |
1864 |
Ann Gaige
Ann Gage |
1781 |
1854 |
Thomas Gallaudet
1787 |
1851 |
mentioned by TE |
Stephen Gardner
1748 |
1830 |
James Garnsey
Amos Garretts
1749 |
1825 |
Edward Garriguess
Edward Garrigues |
1756 |
1845 |
Susanna Garriguess
Susanna Garriguess |
1783 |
1826 |
John Garrison
Isaac Garrison
Thomas Gaskill
1741 |
1828 |
William Gass
Horatio Gates
1727 |
1806 |
Frederick Gearheart
Fradrick Gearheart |
James Geddes
1763 |
1838 |
Frederick Geerheart
Frederick Gerard;Frederick Gearhart;Frederick Geerheart |
Thomas George
1740 |
1808 |
George Washington
Henry Gerard
Abraham Gibbons
1741 |
1798 |
Cousin of jgibb1 |
James Gibbons
1736 |
1823 |
Cousin of agibb1 |
Joshua Gibson
Thomas Gibson
visited by Coates 1799 |
Caleb Gifferd
Caleb Gifferd |
1764 |
1832 |
Jerusha Gifferd
Jerusha Gifferd |
Referred to incorrectly as Jerusha in Sarah Emlens text, probably because whe was writing about Jerusha Peckham on the previous page. |
Peleg Gifford
1760 |
Hannah Gifford
Elias Gilbert
Ellis Gilbert |
1748 |
1828 |
Ezekiel Gilbert
1756 |
1841 |
Joshua Gilham
Joshua Gillham |
Thomas Gillam
John Gillingham
1766 |
1849 |
Brother of jgill2 |
James Gillingham
1757 |
Brother of jgill1 |
Joseph Gilpin
1663 |
1739 |
Lucy Gilpin
1855 |
Sally Gilpin
Thomas Gilpin
1729 |
1778 |
Simon Girty
1741 |
1818 |
John Glover
1835 |
Stephen Gold
Stephen Gold |
1781 |
1838 |
Dorothea Golden
1854 |
W. Gorham
1798 |
1875 |
Thomas Gould
Daniel Gove
1749 |
1843 |
Dolly Gove
1758 |
1846 |
Miriam Gove
1751 |
1836 |
Jonathas Grandville
1785 |
1839 |
Graney Wagus
Erasmus Granger
J. Grant
Alexander Grant
1734 |
1813 |
Ulysses Grant
1822 |
1885 |
Great-Tree |
David Greave
David Grave |
Z Green
1740 |
Rowland Green
Rowland Green |
1770 |
1859 |
Ruth Green
1764 |
1829 |
William Gregory
John Greig
John Gregg |
Stephen Grellet
1741 |
1855 |
Silvester Grennel
James Grew
James M. Grew |
1762 |
Grin Gridley
Esther Griffin
Esther Griffin |
1760 |
1832-11-16 |
Wife of jgriff1 |
John Griffin
John Griffin |
1756 |
1826 |
Husband of egriff1 |
Mary Griffin
Mary Griffin |
1847 |
Wife of bgrif1 |
Benjamin Griffin
Benjamin Griffin |
1781 |
1842 |
Husband of mgrif1 |
Joseph Griffin
Joseph Griffin |
Isaac Griffith
John Griscom
1774 |
1852 |
Stanley Griswold
1763 |
1816 |
Samuel Gritman
1845 |
William Grouse
Samuel Gummere
1750 |
1825 |
Jeremiah Hacker
L. Hackstaff
Preserved Haid
Solomon Haight
Solomon Height |
1810 |
David Haight
E. Haines
1775 |
1837 |
Caspar Haines
Caspar Wistar Haines |
1762 |
1801 |
Josiah Haines
1733 |
1822 |
Joseph Haines
Jesse Haines
Jesse Haynes |
1756 |
1856 |
Hinchman Hains
1767 |
1853 |
Half-town;Achiout;Codjeyate;Ga-ji-ot |
Tunis Halftown
Tunis Halftown |
Isaac Halftown
Levi Halftown
Levi Halftown |
G Hall
husband of lhall1 |
Lydia Hall
wife of ghall1 |
Earl Halloway
Edward Halluck
1754 |
son of ehall1 |
Edward Halluck
1717 |
father of ehall2 |
William Hamilton
1745 |
1813 |
Samuel Hamilton
Carry Hamilton
Jemimah Hammond
1795 |
1858 |
William Hance
1760 |
1827 |
F. Handford
Gasper Hanes
Cornelius Hanoyong
Charles Harford
Hannah Harlan
Josiah Harmar
Josiah Harmer |
1753 |
1813 |
William Harney
1800 |
1889 |
Nathan Harper
John Harret
Asa Harris
Margaret Harris
Widow Mary |
Samuel Harris
1794 |
John Harris
Thomas Harrison
Thomas Harrisson |
1741 |
1815 |
William Harrison
1773 |
1841 |
Sarah Harrison
1744 |
1812 |
Cynthia Hart
1822 |
Daughter of jhart3 |
Jonathan Hart
1831 |
Father of chart1 |
Lawrence Hartshorne
Brother of rhart1 |
John Hartshorne
1725 |
1813 |
Hugh Hartshorne
Hugh Hartshorn |
1781 |
1849 |
John Hartshorne
1763 |
1849 |
William Hartshorne
1748 |
1833 |
Richard Hartshorne
Richard Hartshorn |
1750 |
1836 |
Brother of lhart1 |
Henry Harvey
Amos Harvey
1749 |
1825 |
John Haslam
1764 |
1844 |
Absalom Hatfield
Husband of rhatf1 |
Ruth Hatfield
Wife of ahatf1 |
Colonel Hathorne
1749 |
1825 |
Thomas Hauxhurst
1830 |
Joseph Havens
Joseph Havens |
Benjamin Haviland
Probably brother of ehavi1 |
Ebenezer Haviland
Probably brother of bhavi1 |
Jesse Hawley
1773 |
1842 |
1765 |
1813 |
John Haygarth
Bezelleel Hayherst
Bezelleel Heyherst |
1766 |
1841 |
James Hazard
Nathan Heald
1735 |
1826 |
John Heckewelder
John Heckevvelder;John Hackenwelder;John Heckenvelder |
1743 |
1823 |
Joel Hemlock
John Henderson
1826 |
1913 |
Abner Hendrick
Son of haupa1 |
Lydia Hendrick
Lydia Hendrick |
Thomas Hendrick
Solomon Hendrick
Solomon U. Hendrick;Solomon Aupaumut |
Son of haupa1 |
Edmund Henn
James Henry
1812 |
Alexander Henry
1739 |
1824 |
Daniel Herboin
Joseph Herkland
Jasper Herring
Gasper Herring |
Nathan Herringdan
Nathan Herringdan |
John Herritt
Zebulon Heston
1702 |
1776 |
Daniel Heviland
Daniel Heviland |
1746 |
1828 |
Martha Hevilands
Daughter of jhevi1 and rhevi1 |
Roby Hevilands
Roby Hevilands |
1863 |
Wife of jhevi1 |
Samuel Hevilands
Samuel Hevilands |
1848 |
husband of jhevi2 |
Jacob Hevilands
Jacob Hevilands;Jacob Haviland |
1831 |
Husband of rhevi1 |
Eleazer Hevilands
Eliazer Hevilands |
1777 |
1863 |
Judith Hevilands
1847 |
wife of shevi1 |
Priscilla Hevilands
1827 |
Daughter of jhevi1 and rhevi1 |
Isaac Hicks
1767 |
1820 |
Willet Hicks
Willet Hicks |
1765 |
1845 |
Elias Hicks
1748 |
1830 |
Barnabas Hicks
Valentine Hicks
1860 |
William Hill
David Hill
Benjamin Hill
1768 |
John Hill
1766 |
Joseph Hill
Richard Hillery
Henry Hinsdale
1785 |
1845 |
Enoch Hoag
1847 |
1816 |
Nathaniel Hoag
1765 |
1849 |
Samuel Hoare
William Hobbs
John Hobert
1775 |
1830 |
Jonah Hole
Robert Holliday
1810 |
Susanna Hollingsworth
1755 |
1830 |
Mary Holmes
Farmer's Brother;Ho-na-ye-wus;Honayewus;Honaiyowns |
1732 |
1841 |
Richard Hooker
1801 |
Thomas Hooper
Adam Hoopes
Adam Hoopes |
1760 |
1847 |
Robert Hoops
Samuel Hopkins
1772 |
1837 |
Gerard Hopkins
1769 |
1834 |
John Hopkinson
Isaac Hopper
1771 |
1852 |
Susanna Horne
Susana Horn |
Joseph Horner
David Horsham
Mary Hosack
1824 |
David Hosack
1769 |
1835 |
John Hoskins
1727 |
1814 |
James Hotton
Jane Hough
Thomas Hough
Horton Howard
Horton Howard |
John Howard
John Howard
1726 |
1790 |
William Howe
1729 |
1814 |
Joshua Howell
Phebe Howes
1767 |
1860 |
George Howland
Thomas Howland
Deborah Howland
wife of ahowl1 |
Azaria Howland
1756 |
Job Howling
Zebulon Hoxie
Zebulon Hoxie |
1747 |
1822 |
Jonathan Hoyt
1850 |
Ellis Hughes
1800 |
Mark Hughes
1771 |
1836 |
father of whugh1 |
Jesse Hughes
Samuel Hughes
William Hughes
1819 |
son of mhugh1 |
Henry Hull
1765 |
1834 |
Brother of fhull1 and jhull1 |
Amy Hull
1850 |
John Hull
1767 |
1857 |
Brother of fhull1 and hhull1;husband of mhull1 |
Mary Hull
1827 |
Wife of jhull1 |
Oliver Hull
1731 |
1803 |
Tideman Hull
Fiddeman Hull |
1759 |
1827 |
Brother of hhull1 and jhull1 |
John Humphreys
John Humphreys |
1806 |
John Hunt
1753 |
1836 |
husband of rhunt1 |
Philena Hunt
Rachel Hunt
wife of jhunt1 |
Samuel Huntington
Christian Hurlburt
Lucy Hussekun
James Hyatt
1836 |
Jabez Hyde
Randall Iden
1737 |
1812 |
Mary Idings
Mary Idings |
wife of jidin1 |
James Idings
James Idings |
husband of midin1 |
Benjamin Idings
Benjamin Idings |
1753 |
1826 |
Maria Imley
Maria Imley |
1829 |
Indian John
William Ingle
Wiliam Ingle |
Thomas Isaacs
1775 |
Joseph Isaacs
Joseph Isaacs |
Hannah Jackson
Halliday Jackson
1771 |
1835 |
Benjamine Jackson
John Jackson
1766 |
1851 |
James Jackson
1736 |
1817 |
Caleb Jackson
Samuel Jackson
1765 |
William Jackson
1746 |
1834 |
husband of hjack2 |
Isaac Jackson
1742 |
1808 |
father of hjack1 |
Hannah Jackson
Hannah Seaman |
1749 |
1833 |
wife of wjack1 |
Isaac Jacobs
1741 |
1815 |
John Jacobs
Ezekiel James
1736 |
goshe |
Horatio James
Horatio Jones |
John James
Jacob Jamison
Jacob Jimeson;Jacob Jameson |
Richard Janney
1806 |
1874 |
Israel Janney
1752 |
1823 |
Miller Janson
Peter Jay
1776 |
1843 |
John Jay
1745 |
1829 |
Thomas Jefferson
1743 |
1826 |
Sam Jemison
William Jenkins
1779 |
1843 |
Jeong Tutios
Jonathan Jessop
Charles Jewett
Charles Jewitt;Charles Jouett |
John General
Jacob Johnson
Daniel Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Joseph Johnston |
John Johnson
John Jonston;John Johnston |
1748 |
1810 |
John Johnson
1741 |
1830 |
Jemy Johnson
Jimmy Johnson |
William Johnson
1715 |
1774 |
William Johnson
William Johnson
William Jonston;William Johnson |
Samuel Johnson
John Johnston
1775 |
1861 |
Joseph Johnston
Joseph Jonson |
Rowland Jones
1778 |
1867 |
David Jones
Horatio Jones
1763 |
1836 |
Joseph Jones
1773 |
Owen Jones
1755 |
1825 |
Philip Jones
husband of rjone2 |
Rebecca Jones
1739 |
1817 |
Ruth Jones
wife of pjone1 |
Samuel Jones
Thomas Jones
William Jones
Little Jonny
Elizabeth Joseph
Elizabeth Josy
John Jourden
John Jourden |
Hugh Judge
1750 |
1834-12-21 |
James Justice
Christian Kaghneatogh
Shayoghyudaha Kawighdot
1767 |
1848 |
Avis Keen
William Kelly
David Kennedy
Widow Kennedy
James Kent
1763 |
1847 |
William Kenworthy
Francis Kerr
William Kersey
father of jkers1 |
Jesse Kersey
Jessee Kersey |
1768 |
1845 |
Michael Kettera
William Kibbre
John Kilbuck
John Kilbuck;William Henry |
1737 |
1811 |
George Kilbuck
John Kim
Emmor Kimber
1775 |
1850 |
Gregory King
1648 |
1712 |
Francis King
1814 |
Jane King
Mary Kinsey
1754 |
1825 |
George Kinsey
1752 |
1828 |
Mahlon Kirk
brother of wkirk1 |
Caleb Kirk
1756 |
William Kirk
brother of mkirk1 |
Mahlon Kirkbride
1772 |
1851 |
son of jkirk1 |
Rob Kirkbride
1738 |
Hannah Kirkbride
1747 |
1826 |
aunt of mkirk1 and wkirk1 |
Jon Kirkbride
1739 |
1824 |
Mary Kirkbride
1778 |
1871 |
wife of mkirk3 |
Thomas Kirker
1760 |
1837-02-20 |
Samuel Kirkland
1741 |
1808 |
Eliza Kirkland
1784 |
Mary Kirkland
1754 |
1839 |
Samuel Knapp
1783 |
1838 |
Mary Knight
1776 |
1831 |
Eve Knohtcaunmeu
Eve Knuhkaunmuw |
David Knowles
1801 |
1848 |
Henry Knox
1750 |
1806 |
John Konkapot
Hannah Konkapot
Jacob Konkapot
1835 |
Cornelius Konoyoung
James Kooken
Leah Kughwighnetha
James Kyle
James Kiles;James Kiyles |
R. Lachambor
Gerard Ladd
James Lafetra
1807 |
Edmond Lafetra
1764 |
P. LaFontaine
Joseph Lancaster
1778 |
1838 |
Cornelius Lane
Adam Lane
Abraham Lane
1772 |
John Lang
1799 |
1879 |
James Langstaff
Abraham Lapham
Abraham Lappum |
1755 |
husband of elaph1 |
Ira Lapham
1778 |
Daniel Lapham
1783 |
Esther Lapham
1756 |
wife of alaph1 |
Ant. Lasselle
Jacques Lasselle
John Laughton
Husband of elaug1 |
Elenor Laughton
Wife of jlaug1 |
Garrot Launsen
James Lawrence
1762 |
1846 |
Leonard Lawrence
1741 |
1821 |
Richard Lawrence
1719 |
1814 |
Richard Lawrence
1765 |
Caleb Lawrence
David Lawry
Amos Lea
Amos Lea |
1754 |
1832 |
Tobias Lear
1762 |
1816-10-11 |
Nathan Lee
Thomas Lee
Samuel Lee
1722 |
1802 |
brother of mlee1 |
Mordecai Lee
1733 |
1812 |
Brother oof slee1 |
Thomas Leeks
Joseph Leggate
Joseph Leggate |
Eliza Leggate
Eliza Leggate |
Isaac Leggett
Peter Lenhard
Lydia Lenox
George Lepley
Esther Letchman
Catharine Letchman
John Lettsom
Doctor Lettsom;John Lettsome |
1744 |
1815 |
Frederic Levenburgh
Frederic Levenburgh |
Esther Levis
Enoch Lewis
1776 |
Marshal Lewis
Thomas Lewis
E. Leybourne
Lieutenant Jo
Thomas Lightfoot
1742 |
1821 |
Benjamin Lincoln
1733 |
1810 |
Jacob Lindley
Jacob Lindly |
1744 |
1816 |
husband of hlind1, husband of rruth1 |
Hannah Lindley
1755 |
1798 |
wife of jlind1 |
Colonel Lindsley |
1737 |
1794 |
Husband of wlind1 |
Samuel Lindley
George Lindsay
George Lindsay |
Mary Lindsley
Wife of clind2 |
Hannah Lines
Samuel Linton
T. Lion
William Lippincott
1738 |
1802 |
Little Billy
Gishkaka;Jish-ge-ge;Katy-did; Little Billy |
1834 |
Little Hill
Eshter Littleman
Eshter Littleman, Ester Littleman |
signed letter to Joseph Frost 1812, letter to female Quakers 1797 |
Catharine Littleman
1780 |
1843 |
signed letter to Joseph Frost 1812 |
Jacob Littleman
Little Turtle
Michikinikwa;Meshekunnoghquoh;Michikinakoua;Michikiniqua;Me-She-Kin-No;Meshecunnaquan;Mischecanocquah;Little Turtle |
1747 |
1812 |
sent letter to BYM in 1803 requesting visit |
Edward Livingston
1764 |
1836 |
John Lloyd
1759 |
1838 |
Peter Lossing
Joseph Loughrey
John Love
17?? |
1822-08-17 |
Francis Lovelace
1621 |
1675 |
John Luke
Jacob Lundy
Jacob Lunday;Jacob Lundas |
1751 |
1806 |
William Lundy
William Lunday |
Sarah Lundy
Sarah Lundas |
1748 |
1803 |
William Lupton
David Lupton
1757 |
William Lurhrey
Aaron Lurman
Henry Lushington
1812 |
1855 |
Elam Lynds
Elam Lindes |
1784 |
1855 |
Thomas MacCall
Thomas McCaull |
1774 |
1849 |
Alexander Mackenzie
Alexander McKenzie;Alexander M'Kenzie |
1764 |
1820-03-12 |
Caleb Macumber
Caleb Maccumber;Caleb McCombre;Caleb McComber;Caleb Makcumber |
John Madcalf
John Metcalf |
Sister of pmars1 |
James Madison
1751 |
1836 |
James Magarth
Mai i rai
Walk on the Water |
Jabes Manchester
1764 |
William Marcy
1786 |
1857 |
Jesse Maris
Marpau;Mucketeypokee;Mucktypoke;Mka-da-puk-ke;Muccutay Penay;Makadebakii;Mkadébki;Black Partridge |
1744 |
Charles Marriott
1782 |
1843 |
Lucia Marriott
Margaret Marriott
Samuel Marriott
Tabitha Marriott
Johnathan Marriott
Marseilace |
Joseph Marsh
1726 |
1811 |
Silas Marsh
John Marshall
1755 |
1835 |
Phebe Marshall
1780 |
Sister of wmadd1 |
Benjamin Marshall
Daughter of Abram |
John Mason
1766 |
1849 |
Benjamin Mason
George Massey
1767 |
1848 |
Michal Masyer
Timothy Matlack
1736 |
1829 |
Thomas Matthews
1749 |
John Matthewson
Elizabeth Mauchtoog
Elizabeth Maukhtoaquauwusquch
Jersey |
Elizabeth Maumontsquaw
Ebenezer Maunnautheet
Ebenezer Maunauseet;Ebenezer Manawsett |
Margery Mautawsquaw
Archibald McAllister
William McComb
Daniel McCormick
William McCoskry
William McGill
Alexander McGillivray
Alexander McGillivrey |
1750 |
1793 |
Thomas McKean
1734 |
1817 |
Thomas McKee
M'Kee |
1770 |
1814 |
Alexander McKee
Wapameisheu |
1735 |
1799 |
Thomas McKenney
Colonel McKinney |
1785 |
1859 |
John McKim
John M'Kim |
Henry McNire
Henry McNair |
John McPherson
William MCulloh
Hugh McWain
Zacheous Mead
1837 |
Charles Meatyard
1797 |
1872 |
Enoch Mellon
Rachel Mellon
Stephen Mendenhall
Nathan Mendenhall
1776 |
1841 |
Martha Mendenhall
1759 |
James Mendenhall
1764 |
Thomas Mercer
Simon Meredith
Thankful Merrit
1780 |
1845 |
John Merrit
John Merrit |
1758 |
1833 |
husband of pmerr1 |
Consider Merrit
1766 |
Phebe Merrit
Phebe Merrit |
1765 |
1838 |
wife of jmerr1 |
Anne Merritt
1785 |
Martha Merritt
Wife of dmerr1 |
Daniel Merritt
Husand of mmerr1 |
Samuel Merritts
John Messemer
John Mesemer |
King Philip;Metacom |
1676 |
John Metorsen
George Meyrick
James M'Grew
James M'Grew |
Warner Mifflin
1745 |
1798 |
Thomas Mifflin
1744 |
1800 |
Charles Mifflin
1783 |
Ann Miflin
Ann Emlen |
1815 |
Henry Miles
1795 |
1885 |
Mary Miller
Christopher Miller
Hannah Miller