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Beyond Penn's Treaty
Name Other Names Affiliation Birth Date Death Date Notes URI LCNAF
James Abbott James Abbotts;James Abbot 1744 1800
Henry Abeel Henry O'Beal;Henry O'Bail;Henry O'Beil;Henry O'Neal;Henry Cornplanter 1778 1832 Son of cornp2
Lucy Abrams
Eunice Abrams
John Adams
Parmenio Adams
Samuel Adams 1773 1844
Daniel Adams
Henry Addington Lord Sidmouth;1st Viscount Sidmouth 1757 1844
Josiah Adds Josiah Adds
John Adlum 1759 1836
James Agnew James Tanner Agnew 1719 1777
Thomas Alby
Nathaniel Aldridge
Adam Allen 1773 1844
Humphrey Allen Umphrey Alden Husband of jalle1.
Jane Allen Jane Alden Wife of halle1
Jediah Allen 1765 1818
Jon Allen
Joseph Allen 1763 1837
Stephen Allen 1767 1852
William Allen 1770 1843
Alligator Billy Bowlegs;Alligator King;Billy Bolek 1810 1859 Birthdate is approximate.
William Allinson 1766 1841
Thomas Almy Thomas Almey
William Almy 1761 1836
Obadiah Almy
John Alsop 1753
Jeffery Amherst Jeffrey Amherst 1717 1797
Jenny Andrews
Peter Andrews 1707 1756
Charles Andrews
Jacob Anthony Jacob Antony
Robert Armstrong Robert Armstrong 1775 1825
Frederick Arnold
Sylvester Ash
John Askin John Arken 1739 1815
Mahlon Atkinson
Anne Attmore 1743 1813
Augur General Christopher C. Augur 1821 1898
Hendricks Aupaumat Hendricks Aupaumet;Hendricks Apaumet;Hendricks Apaumut;Captain Hendricks Aupaumut;Captain Hendrick;Hendrick Aut. 1757 1830 Father of ahend1 and shend1;husband of lquin1
E Austin
William Ayres William Dyres
Sampson Babb Sampson Babs 1740 1814
George Babor George Beeber;George Bieber 1761 1846
George Bachelor
William Backhouse
Job Bacon 1735 1801
David Bacon 1729 1809
Joseph Badger 1757 1852
David Baker 1745
Elisha Baker 1773 1840 Father of ebake2
Elisha Baker 1818 1842 Son of ebake1
George Baker
William Baker
Elizabeth Baldwin
Jonathan Baldwin
Peter Baldwin
Samuel Baldwin 1754 1837
William Banlin
James Barbour 1775 1842
Robert Barclay 1648 1690
John Bark John Bark
Caleb Barker 1852 Husband of rbark1
Jesse Barker
John Barker
Peter Barker Husband of abark2
Rachel Barker Rachel Sands Wife of cbark1
Abner Barker
Abigail Barker Abigail Drinker 1773 1840 Wife of pbark1
William Barling
Hannah Barnard Hannah Barnet 1754 1825
Rhoda Barrett 1801
John Barrow John Barron;John Barra
Joseph Barton Husband of rbart1
Ashby Barton
Rosanna Barton Wife of jbart1
Isaac Bassett Husband of mbass1
Mary Bassett Wife of ibass1
Benjamin Bates
Frederick Bates
Jonathan Battey
Fransey Baubee Fransey Baubee 1733 1820
William Bayard 1761 1826
Jonathan Beaubien
Lewis Beaufait
Beaver The Beaver
Samuel Becket
John Bedient
Jeremiah Belknap 1744 1798
John Bell
Mary Bell Wife of jbell1
John Bell Husband of mbell1
Andrew Bell
Anthony Benezet 1713 1784
Jacob Bennett
James Bennit James Bennit
Rushmore Bennit
George Bent George Bent;Colonel Bent 1843 1918
Jeremy Bentham 1748 1832
Caleb Bentley Caleb Bently
John Bentley
Gilbert Berry
Jack Berry 1839
Jacob Berson
Samuel Bettle 1774 1861
William Beven
Joseph Beven Joseph Beven
Joseph Bianson
John Biddle 1815
Owen Biddle 1737 1799
Big Fire
Big Kettle
Allan Billingham
Squire Birch
Joseph Bird Joseph Byrd 1838 Husband of ebird1;father of abird1
Ann Bird 1798 1831 Daughter of jbird1
Elizabeth Bird Elizabeth Byrd 1849 Wife of jbird1
Nathan Bishop 1774 1854
Harry Bishop
Liman Bishop
Lucy Bishop 1855
Maria Bishop
Jesse Biskeyhead Jesse Bushyhead;Jesse Biskeyhead 1804 1844
Ezra Black
Black Chief
Jacob Blacksmith Jacob Blacksmith
Jacob Blacksnake Jacob Blacksnake
John Blake
William Blakey 1739 1822
Samuel Blatchford 1767 1828
Barent Bleeker 1760 1841
Blind Chief
Blount 1749 1800
Blue Eyes Hau-neh-hoy's-oh;Blue Eyes
Blue Sky
Joseph Blunt
Jacob Bogardus Jacob Bogarder 1750 1839
Alexander Bogg
Jerome Bonaparte Jérôme Bonaparte;King of Westphalia 1784 1860
Joseph Bond
Phineas Bond 1749 1815
Henry Boner
Isaac Bonsal 1765 1831
John Boon
Henry Booth
Thomas Borden 1760 1848
John Borden 1836
Benjamin Borden 1766 1848
Elias Boudinot 1740 1821
Michael Bowers
Henry Bowman 1767 1832
Robert Bowne 1744 1818
Elizabeth Bowne 1836
George Bowne 1797
Samuel Bowne 1767 1803
William Bowne 1771 1824
Abraham Bradbury
Edward Braddock 1710 1755
George Bradshaw
Robert Bradshaw 1722 1794
John Brady
Abraham Brand
William Brandt
Joseph Brant Captain Brandt;Joseph Brant 1743 1807 Brother of
Isaac Brayton
Mariam Breed
Peace Breed 1798 1847 Wife of sbree1.
Daniel Breed 1769 1852
Stephen Breed 1796 1871 Husband of pbree1.
Lydia Breed
Arthur Breese
Henry Brevoort 1857
Walter Briggs
Isaac Briggs 1763 1825
John Brightman
Joseph Bringhurst 1767 1834
Joseph Brintnell Joseph Brintnell 1772 1866
William Brinton 1759 1842
Moses Bristol 1790 1869
Widow Britts
J. Broadhead
Samuel Brooks 1758 1848
John Brown
David Brown 1751 1807
John Hillory Brown
Moses Brown 1738 1836
Nicholas Brown
Archibald Bruce 1777 1818
Joseph Bruister Joseph Wadsworth Brewster 1764 1849
Edward Brundige Edward Brundige 1838
Samuel Bryant
Widow Bufkins
Bu-kon-ge-he-lass Buckangehelas;Buckengihilas;Buckingehelas
Bunbury Captain Banbury;Captain Bunberry
Jemima Bunken
Ely Bunker
George Bunker 1777 1811
Josiah Bunting 1734 1816
William Burling 1863
Garret Burlis Garret Burlis 1824
Daniel Burns Daniel Byrne
Adam Burrell
John Burrow
John Butcher
John Butler 1803 1887 Father of llbutl1
Lydia Butler 1847 Daughter of jbutl1
Richard Butler
Thomas Butler 1774 1861
John Butler 1728 1796
Button George George Button
Agness Cadwalader 1773 daughter of acadw1
Jonah Cadwalader Jonas Cadwallader 1774 1815 brother of rcadw2;son of rcadw1
Abraham Cadwalader 1731 1793 fahter of acadw2
Reese Cadwalader Reese Cadwallider 1742 1800 father of rcadw2 and jcadw1
Ruth Cadwallader 1776 sister of jcadw1; daughter of rcadw1
Nicholas Cah vat coon ter
Charles Caldwell 1772 1853
Hannah Caleb
John Calhoun 1782 1850
Bartholomew Calvin Wilted Grass;Shawuskukhkung
Alexander Campbell 1779 1857
David Canada
Benjamin Canby
Samuel Canby 1751 1832
Captain Blue Jacket Captain Blue Jacket ca. 1752 ca. 1810
Captain Frost Captain Frost 1846
Captain Gold
Captain Hermaunus assaulted Jacob Lindley while intoxicated, 1793
Captain Honnes
Captain Isaac
Captain Jimmy Tommy Jimmy;Captain Jimmy
Captain John
Captain Jones
Captain Keasy Brother of cbran1
Captain Lewis Colonel Lewis;Captain Lewis
Captain Peter
Captain Pipe Pipe;Hopocan;Captain Pipe 1725 1818
Captain Prantup Teeroos;Captain Drankup
Samuel Carey 1791 1874
John Carle 1819
Abraham Carlisle 1720 1778
Caleb Carmalt 1792 1862
Mary Carpenter Wife of scarp2
Levi Carpenter Husband of scarp2.
Mary Carpenter Wife of tcarp1
Moses Carpenter
Sarah Carpenter Wife of lcarp1
Seymore Carpenter Husband of mcarp2.
Thomas Carpenter 1752 1857 Husband of mcarp3.
Isaac Carr
William Carr
Carry-All-About Carry-Folks-People-About;Carry-one-about;Sa-wagh-da-wunk;Sa-wagn-da-wunk;King of all the nations;King of all the western nations up the lakes;
William Carter
Richard Carter
James Cary James Cary 1820 1894
Jonas Cattell Jonas Cattle 1828
Thomas Chalkley 1675 1741
John Chambers 1780 1852
Gouldsmith Chandlee Goldsmith Chandlee 1751 1821
Israel Chapin 1740 1795
Israel Chapin 1763 1833
Charles Chapman 1754 1818
Mock Charles
Charley Charley;Sleepy One
Francis Chase Son of achas1 and mchas1
Maria Chase 1798 Daughter of achas1 and mchas1
Mary Chase 1772 Mother of of echas1, fchas1, mchas2, rchas1, schas2
Philip Chase 1767 Husband of achas2.
Rebecca Chase 1810 Daughter of achas1 and mchas1
Stephen Chase 1796 Son of achas1 and mchas1
Edward Chase 1815 Son of achas1 and mchas1
Alice Chase 1785 Wife of pchas1
Abijah Chase Husband of mchas1; father of echas1, fchas1, mchas2, rchas1, schas2
Hannah Checks
Jacob Checkthankuns
G. Cholwell
R. Christmas
George Churchman 1730 1814
John Churchman 1705 1775
Allen Clap Allen Clap 1851
Samuel Clark 1735 1802
Abigail Clark
Benjamin Clark
J Clark
Joseph Clark 1745 1833-06-27
Thomas Clark
George Clarke General Clarkson 1752 1818
Matthew Clarkson 1758 1825
Jacob Claton 1762 1843
Henry Clay 1777 1852
Clear Sky Clear Sky
Nathan Cleaver 1801 1887
John Cleaver 1760 1823
Henry Clifton Henry Clafton 1753 1830
William Clifton
Henry Clinton Sir Henry Clinton;General Clinton 1730 1795
DeWitt Clinton 1769 1828
George Clinton 1739 1812
Gillis Clute
Isaac Coates 1748 1809 Son of scoat1
Lindley Coates 1794 1856 Son of icoat1.
Lydia Coates 1778 1839 Daughter of icoat1
Samuel Coates 1748 1830-06-04 Father of icoat1.
Abner Coats 1768 1820 Cousin of icoat1.
Andrew Cock 1832
Thomas Cody
Elijah Coffin Eliah Coffin 1798 1862
Richard Coffin
William H. Coffin 1830 1925
Abel Coffin 1780
Nicholas Coggeshal
Elizabeth Coggeshall Elizabeth Cogshall;Elizabeth Cogshell 1770 1851
Cadwallader Colden 1769 1834
Charles Cole Son-in-law of Henry Hull hhull1.
Christopher Colles
Thomas Colley 1742 1812
Isaac Collins 1746 1817
William Collins 1815
Sarah Collins 1775 1855
Patrick Colquhoun 1815 1891
Judah Colt
Ezra Comfort 1777 1847
Sarah Comfort
Joseph Compton Joseph Campton
Jared Comstock Son of ncoms1.
Nathan Comstock Father of jcoms1.
Thomas Congdon
Gilbert Congdon 1811 1870
Jacob Conhapot
David Conklins
Connewauteu Connewauteu
Baties Contien
Conudiu Conudiu;Conudia;Handsome Lake;Sga:nyodai:yoh;Ganiodaio 1735 1815 Half-brother to cornp2
Samuel Cook 1765
Sarah Cook Probably the wife of scook2
Susanna Cook 1783
Thomas Cook 1757 1848
David Cook 1752 1841
John Cook
Leonard Cook 1823
Nathan Cook
Charity Cook 1745 1822
Joseph Cooper
William Cooper 1754 1809
James Cooper 1819
Benjamin Cope Benjamin Cooke;Benjamin Cook;Benjamin Coope 1765 1845 Husband of rcoop1
Rachel Cope Rachel Coope 1771 1807 Wife of bcoop1.
Nathan Cope Nathan Coope;Nathan Cooper 1733 1820
Benjamin Corlies Benjamin Covlies 1742
Jacob Corlis Jacob Corlis 1755 1841
George Corlis George Corlis 1749 1816
William Cornelius
Moses Cornelius
John Cornelius
Augustus Cornelius
Benjamin Cornell
William Cornell
John Cornell
Cornplanter John Abeel;John Abeal;Gaiantwake;Gyantwachia;Kaintwaken;John O'Bail;Ky-on-twa-ky;Gayëntwahgöh;Captain Obeal 1732? 1836
Charles Cornwallis 1738 1805
Francis Cornwell Francis Cornwell
Adin Cory 1845
John Cotteral 1774 1852
Cowan Captain Cowan
Jesse Cowpland Jesse Cowpland
Jacob Cowrlis Jacob Cowrlis 1778 1834 Husband of hcowr1
Hannah Cowrlis Hannah Cowrlis 1866 Wife of jcowr1
Isaac Cox
John Cox 1748
Isaac Craig Isaac Crage 1742 1826
Jacob Cram Rev. Mr. Jacob Cram 1762 1833
James Crawford
Caleb Cresson 1742 1816
James Cresson 1741 1799
Jane Cresson Jane Crossen
John Cromwell 1767 1828
George Crosby George Crosly;George Crosby 1748 Father of gcros2
Grace Crossly Gracy Crossly 1776 Daughter of gcros1
John Crossly
Loruhamah Crossly
Paul Cuffee 1759 1817
David Cumming David Cummins 1801
Ebenezor Curtis 1820
Nicholas Cusick Nicholas Cusich;Nicholas Tuisach;Nicholas Schusick;Nicholas Schuysick;Nicholas Cuseck;Nicholas Chusick;Nicholas Kaghnatsto 1761 1841
John Cutler
Matinas Dana
Asa Danford 1768 1821
Richard Daniel
Deborah Darby 1754 1810
John Darlin John Darling
Mary Darragh 1724
Suriey Davad
Anthony Davis
Isaac Davis
Rumford Dawes 1741 1819
Mahlon Day 1790 1854
Thomas Dean
Stephen Dean 1797
James Dean 1748
John Dean 1820
Henry Dearborn 1751 1829
Henry DeButts
Joseph Delaplaine 1725 1799
J. Delinham
George Demeter
Philip Denis Phillip Denis
John Denney John Denney
George Dennis
Metinas Dennis
Obediah Denniss Obadiah Denniss
James Derbyshire James Darbyshire;James Derbyshier
Gerrit DeWitt 1762 1807
Simeon DeWitt 1756 1834
Frederick Augustus DeZang Frederick Augustus de Zeng 1756 1838
Joshua Dillingham 1828
Joseph Dillingham
Moses Dillon
Josiah Dillon
George Dillwyn 1738 1820
Martin Dinney Martin Denney
Silas Dinsmoor Silas Dinsmoor 1766 1847
Isaac Dirmiston Isaac Dirmiston
William Dison
William Dixon 1741 1833
Doctor Peter
John Dodgson 1834 mentioned in NYYM accounts (1817)
Isaac Dolson
Matthew Dolson 1748 1815
John Dolson 1752 1836
Ed Donnell
Silas Downing 1747 1822
Moses Doxstader 1813 1891
Doxstader Dochstader;Doxstader
Polly Doxstader 1785 1882
Jacob Doxstader 1762 1832
Mary Doxstader Mary Dockstater;Mary Peters;Mary Dockstady
William Doyle
Joseph Drake
John Drake
Daniel Drinker 1735 1815
Henry Drinker 1734 1809
John Drinker 1733 1800
George Duckwell
Paul Dudley
Cornelius Duel Cornelius Deul;Cornelius Deull;Cornelius Duell
Thomas Dutton 1769
Theodore Dwight 1764 1846
Peter Dyongevet Peter Dyongivet
Abigail Eames
Charles Earle mentioned by WH 1793
Robert Eastburn
John Hartshorne Eddy 1817
Thomas Eddy 1758 1827
Hannah Eddy Hannah Hartshorne 1832
James Eddy 1712 1769
George Eddy 1810
Charles Eddy
John Edie
Samuel Elain
David Elder
Joseph Elkinton Joseph Elkington 1794 1868
James Ellicott 1772 1820
John Ellicott 1780 1813
Jonathan Ellicott 1756 1826
Joseph Ellicott Joseph Elicot 1760 1826
Thomas Ellicott 1777 1859
George Ellicott 1760 1832
Elias Ellicott 1759 1827
Benjamin Ellicott 1765 1827
Andrew Ellicott 1734 1809
Matthew Elliott
John Elliott
Margaret Elliott
Mercy Ellis 1761 1848 Wife of welli1; mother of welli2
Thomas Ellis 1764 1826
William Ellis 1751 1806 Father of welli2; husband of melli2
William Ellis 1787 1871 Son of welli1 and melli2
Brazillia Ellis Barzillai Ellis 1781
William Embree
James Embree 1749 1815
George Embrie George Embrie 1799
Samuel Emlen 1730 1799
James Emlen 1799 Father of jemle2
James Emlen 1792 1866 Son of jemle1, husband of semle1
Sarah Emlen 1787 1849 Wife of emle2
Richard England
Priscilla Evans
David Evans 1733 1817
Margaret Evans
Joseph Evans 1789 1871
Joshua Evans 1731 1798
Hugh Evans 1730 1808
Enoch Evans 1743 1818
Thomas Evans 1798 1868 Son of jevan2
Jon Evans 1759 1839 Father of tevan1
Catherine Everett 1768
Isaac Everitt Isaac Everitt 1737 1801
John Eves 1726 1802
John Ewig
William Ewing
Blue Eyes
Thomas Farquhar
Benjamin Farquhar
Allen Farquhar Allen Farquhar 1737 1798
James Faulkner
Samuel Faulkner
Peter Felix
Walter Ferrington Walter Ferrington
Benjamin Ferris 1780 1867
John Ferris 1734 1814
John Field
Josiah Field 1774 1859
Peter Field 1753 1839
Phebe Field
William Field 1767 1834
Catherine Field daughter of wfiel1
Hannah Field
Joseph Filbrick Joseph Filbrick 1755 1831
Louis Filbrick Lois Filbrick;Louis Filbrick 1754 1842
Preserved Fish 1731 1808
Josiah Fish 1755 1811
James Fish
Fish Carrier Fish Carrier 1740 1807
Samuel Fisher 1745 1834 Brother of mfish1 and tfish1
William Fisher 1788 1878
Myers Fisher Myers Fisher 1748 1819 Brother of sfish1 and tfish1
Thomas Fisher 1741 1810 Brother of mfish1 and sfish1
Five Medals Wonongaseah;Wannangsea
William Flamier WIlliam Flamier
John Flin John Flinn 1782 1857
William Floyd Colonel William Floyd 1734 1821
Benjamin Folsom
John Fopp
John Foreman
Joshua Forman Joshua Forman
Oliver Forward 1780 1833
Richard Foster
William Foster
James Foster
Andrew Foster
William Foster
John Fothergill 1712 1780
Jesse Foulke 1742 1821
David Fowler 1735 1807 Father of bfowl1 and jfowl1 and escip1
Jacob Fowler Son of dfowl1 and brother of bfowl1
George Fowler
Benjamin Fowler 1774 1848 Son of dfowl1 and brother of jfowl1
John Francis 1789 1861
Thomas Franklin
Benjamin Franklin 1705 1790
Matthew Franklin 1773 1815
Daniel Frazer
Joseph Frobisher 1748 1810
Joseph Frost 1790 1818
Charles Frost 1750 1820
David Fuller
Robert Fulton 1765 1815
Isaac Gaige Isaac Gage 1770 1864
Ann Gaige Ann Gage 1781 1854
Thomas Gallaudet 1787 1851
Gambold mentioned by TE
Stephen Gardner 1748 1830
James Garnsey
Amos Garretts 1749 1825
Edward Garriguess Edward Garrigues 1756 1845
Susanna Garriguess Susanna Garriguess 1783 1826
John Garrison
Isaac Garrison
Thomas Gaskill 1741 1828
William Gass
Horatio Gates 1727 1806
Frederick Gearheart Fradrick Gearheart
James Geddes 1763 1838
Frederick Geerheart Frederick Gerard;Frederick Gearhart;Frederick Geerheart
Thomas George 1740 1808
George Washington
Henry Gerard
Abraham Gibbons 1741 1798 Cousin of jgibb1
James Gibbons 1736 1823 Cousin of agibb1
Joshua Gibson
Thomas Gibson visited by Coates 1799
Caleb Gifferd Caleb Gifferd 1764 1832
Jerusha Gifferd Jerusha Gifferd Referred to incorrectly as Jerusha in Sarah Emlens text, probably because whe was writing about Jerusha Peckham on the previous page.
Peleg Gifford 1760
Hannah Gifford
Elias Gilbert Ellis Gilbert 1748 1828
Ezekiel Gilbert 1756 1841
Joshua Gilham Joshua Gillham
Thomas Gillam
John Gillingham 1766 1849 Brother of jgill2
James Gillingham 1757 Brother of jgill1
Joseph Gilpin 1663 1739
Lucy Gilpin 1855
Sally Gilpin
Thomas Gilpin 1729 1778
Simon Girty 1741 1818
John Glover 1835
Stephen Gold Stephen Gold 1781 1838
Dorothea Golden 1854
W. Gorham 1798 1875
Thomas Gould
Daniel Gove 1749 1843
Dolly Gove 1758 1846
Miriam Gove 1751 1836
Jonathas Grandville 1785 1839
Graney Wagus
Erasmus Granger
J. Grant
Alexander Grant 1734 1813
Ulysses Grant 1822 1885
Great-Tree Great-Tree
David Greave David Grave
Z Green 1740
Rowland Green Rowland Green 1770 1859
Ruth Green 1764 1829
William Gregory
John Greig John Gregg
Stephen Grellet 1741 1855
Silvester Grennel
James Grew James M. Grew 1762
Grin Gridley
Esther Griffin Esther Griffin 1760 1832-11-16 Wife of jgriff1
John Griffin John Griffin 1756 1826 Husband of egriff1
Mary Griffin Mary Griffin 1847 Wife of bgrif1
Benjamin Griffin Benjamin Griffin 1781 1842 Husband of mgrif1
Joseph Griffin Joseph Griffin
Isaac Griffith
John Griscom 1774 1852
Stanley Griswold 1763 1816
Samuel Gritman 1845
William Grouse
Samuel Gummere 1750 1825
Jeremiah Hacker
L. Hackstaff
Preserved Haid
Solomon Haight Solomon Height 1810
David Haight
E. Haines 1775 1837
Caspar Haines Caspar Wistar Haines 1762 1801
Josiah Haines 1733 1822
Joseph Haines
Jesse Haines Jesse Haynes 1756 1856
Hinchman Hains 1767 1853
Halftown Half-town;Achiout;Codjeyate;Ga-ji-ot
Tunis Halftown Tunis Halftown
Isaac Halftown
Levi Halftown Levi Halftown
G Hall husband of lhall1
Lydia Hall wife of ghall1
Earl Halloway
Edward Halluck 1754 son of ehall1
Edward Halluck 1717 father of ehall2
William Hamilton 1745 1813
Samuel Hamilton
Carry Hamilton
Jemimah Hammond 1795 1858
William Hance 1760 1827
F. Handford
Gasper Hanes
Cornelius Hanoyong
Charles Harford
Hannah Harlan
Josiah Harmar Josiah Harmer 1753 1813
William Harney 1800 1889
Nathan Harper
John Harret
Asa Harris
Margaret Harris Widow Mary
Samuel Harris 1794
John Harris
Thomas Harrison Thomas Harrisson 1741 1815
William Harrison 1773 1841
Sarah Harrison 1744 1812
Cynthia Hart 1822 Daughter of jhart3
Jonathan Hart 1831 Father of chart1
Lawrence Hartshorne Brother of rhart1
John Hartshorne 1725 1813
Hugh Hartshorne Hugh Hartshorn 1781 1849
John Hartshorne 1763 1849
William Hartshorne 1748 1833
Richard Hartshorne Richard Hartshorn 1750 1836 Brother of lhart1
Henry Harvey
Amos Harvey 1749 1825
John Haslam 1764 1844
Absalom Hatfield Husband of rhatf1
Ruth Hatfield Wife of ahatf1
Colonel Hathorne 1749 1825
Thomas Hauxhurst 1830
Joseph Havens Joseph Havens
Benjamin Haviland Probably brother of ehavi1
Ebenezer Haviland Probably brother of bhavi1
Jesse Hawley 1773 1842
Hay 1765 1813
John Haygarth
Bezelleel Hayherst Bezelleel Heyherst 1766 1841
James Hazard
Nathan Heald 1735 1826
John Heckewelder John Heckevvelder;John Hackenwelder;John Heckenvelder 1743 1823
Joel Hemlock
John Henderson 1826 1913
Abner Hendrick Son of haupa1
Lydia Hendrick Lydia Hendrick
Thomas Hendrick
Solomon Hendrick Solomon U. Hendrick;Solomon Aupaumut Son of haupa1
Edmund Henn
James Henry 1812
Alexander Henry 1739 1824
Daniel Herboin
Joseph Herkland
Jasper Herring Gasper Herring
Nathan Herringdan Nathan Herringdan
John Herritt
Zebulon Heston 1702 1776
Daniel Heviland Daniel Heviland 1746 1828
Martha Hevilands Daughter of jhevi1 and rhevi1
Roby Hevilands Roby Hevilands 1863 Wife of jhevi1
Samuel Hevilands Samuel Hevilands 1848 husband of jhevi2
Jacob Hevilands Jacob Hevilands;Jacob Haviland 1831 Husband of rhevi1
Eleazer Hevilands Eliazer Hevilands 1777 1863
Judith Hevilands 1847 wife of shevi1
Priscilla Hevilands 1827 Daughter of jhevi1 and rhevi1
Isaac Hicks 1767 1820
Willet Hicks Willet Hicks 1765 1845
Elias Hicks 1748 1830
Barnabas Hicks
Valentine Hicks 1860
William Hill
David Hill
Benjamin Hill 1768
John Hill 1766
Joseph Hill
Richard Hillery
Henry Hinsdale 1785 1845
Enoch Hoag 1847 1816
Nathaniel Hoag 1765 1849
Samuel Hoare
William Hobbs
John Hobert 1775 1830
Jonah Hole
Robert Holliday 1810
Susanna Hollingsworth 1755 1830
Mary Holmes
Ho-na-ye-wus Farmer's Brother;Ho-na-ye-wus;Honayewus;Honaiyowns 1732 1841
Richard Hooker 1801
Thomas Hooper
Adam Hoopes Adam Hoopes 1760 1847
Robert Hoops
Samuel Hopkins 1772 1837
Gerard Hopkins 1769 1834
John Hopkinson
Isaac Hopper 1771 1852
Susanna Horne Susana Horn
Joseph Horner
David Horsham
Mary Hosack 1824
David Hosack 1769 1835
John Hoskins 1727 1814
James Hotton
Jane Hough
Thomas Hough
Horton Howard Horton Howard
John Howard
John Howard 1726 1790
William Howe 1729 1814
Joshua Howell
Phebe Howes 1767 1860
George Howland
Thomas Howland
Deborah Howland wife of ahowl1
Azaria Howland 1756
Job Howling
Zebulon Hoxie Zebulon Hoxie 1747 1822
Jonathan Hoyt 1850
Ellis Hughes 1800
Mark Hughes 1771 1836 father of whugh1
Jesse Hughes
Samuel Hughes
William Hughes 1819 son of mhugh1
Henry Hull 1765 1834 Brother of fhull1 and jhull1
Amy Hull 1850
John Hull 1767 1857 Brother of fhull1 and hhull1;husband of mhull1
Mary Hull 1827 Wife of jhull1
Oliver Hull 1731 1803
Tideman Hull Fiddeman Hull 1759 1827 Brother of hhull1 and jhull1
John Humphreys John Humphreys 1806
John Hunt 1753 1836 husband of rhunt1
Philena Hunt
Rachel Hunt wife of jhunt1
Samuel Huntington
Christian Hurlburt
Lucy Hussekun
James Hyatt 1836
Jabez Hyde
Randall Iden 1737 1812
Mary Idings Mary Idings wife of jidin1
James Idings James Idings husband of midin1
Benjamin Idings Benjamin Idings 1753 1826
Maria Imley Maria Imley 1829
Indian John
William Ingle Wiliam Ingle
Thomas Isaacs 1775
Joseph Isaacs Joseph Isaacs
Hannah Jackson
Halliday Jackson 1771 1835
Benjamine Jackson
John Jackson 1766 1851
James Jackson 1736 1817
Caleb Jackson
Samuel Jackson 1765
William Jackson 1746 1834 husband of hjack2
Isaac Jackson 1742 1808 father of hjack1
Hannah Jackson Hannah Seaman 1749 1833 wife of wjack1
Isaac Jacobs 1741 1815
John Jacobs
Ezekiel James 1736 goshe
Horatio James Horatio Jones
John James
Jacob Jamison Jacob Jimeson;Jacob Jameson
Richard Janney 1806 1874
Israel Janney 1752 1823
Miller Janson
Peter Jay 1776 1843
John Jay 1745 1829
Thomas Jefferson 1743 1826
Sam Jemison
William Jenkins 1779 1843
Jeong Tutios
Jonathan Jessop
Charles Jewett Charles Jewitt;Charles Jouett
John General
Jacob Johnson
Daniel Johnson
Joseph Johnson Joseph Johnston
John Johnson John Jonston;John Johnston 1748 1810
John Johnson 1741 1830
Jemy Johnson Jimmy Johnson
William Johnson 1715 1774
William Johnson
William Johnson William Jonston;William Johnson
Samuel Johnson
John Johnston 1775 1861
Joseph Johnston Joseph Jonson
Rowland Jones 1778 1867
David Jones
Horatio Jones 1763 1836
Joseph Jones 1773
Owen Jones 1755 1825
Philip Jones husband of rjone2
Rebecca Jones 1739 1817
Ruth Jones wife of pjone1
Samuel Jones
Thomas Jones
William Jones
Little Jonny
Elizabeth Joseph
Elizabeth Josy
John Jourden John Jourden
Hugh Judge 1750 1834-12-21
James Justice
Christian Kaghneatogh
Shayoghyudaha Kawighdot
Kecookuk 1767 1848
Avis Keen
William Kelly
David Kennedy
Widow Kennedy
James Kent 1763 1847
William Kenworthy
Francis Kerr
William Kersey father of jkers1
Jesse Kersey Jessee Kersey 1768 1845
Michael Kettera
William Kibbre
John Kilbuck John Kilbuck;William Henry 1737 1811
George Kilbuck
John Kim
Emmor Kimber 1775 1850
Gregory King 1648 1712
Francis King 1814
Jane King
Mary Kinsey 1754 1825
George Kinsey 1752 1828
Mahlon Kirk brother of wkirk1
Caleb Kirk 1756
William Kirk brother of mkirk1
Mahlon Kirkbride 1772 1851 son of jkirk1
Rob Kirkbride 1738
Hannah Kirkbride 1747 1826 aunt of mkirk1 and wkirk1
Jon Kirkbride 1739 1824
Mary Kirkbride 1778 1871 wife of mkirk3
Thomas Kirker 1760 1837-02-20
Samuel Kirkland 1741 1808
Eliza Kirkland 1784
Mary Kirkland 1754 1839
Samuel Knapp 1783 1838
Mary Knight 1776 1831
Eve Knohtcaunmeu Eve Knuhkaunmuw
David Knowles 1801 1848
Henry Knox 1750 1806
John Konkapot
Hannah Konkapot
Jacob Konkapot 1835
Cornelius Konoyoung
James Kooken
Leah Kughwighnetha
James Kyle James Kiles;James Kiyles
R. Lachambor
Gerard Ladd
James Lafetra 1807
Edmond Lafetra 1764
P. LaFontaine
Joseph Lancaster 1778 1838
Cornelius Lane
Adam Lane
Abraham Lane 1772
John Lang 1799 1879
James Langstaff
Abraham Lapham Abraham Lappum 1755 husband of elaph1
Ira Lapham 1778
Daniel Lapham 1783
Esther Lapham 1756 wife of alaph1
Ant. Lasselle
Jacques Lasselle
John Laughton Husband of elaug1
Elenor Laughton Wife of jlaug1
Garrot Launsen
James Lawrence 1762 1846
Leonard Lawrence 1741 1821
Richard Lawrence 1719 1814
Richard Lawrence 1765
Caleb Lawrence
David Lawry
Amos Lea Amos Lea 1754 1832
Tobias Lear 1762 1816-10-11
Nathan Lee
Thomas Lee
Samuel Lee 1722 1802 brother of mlee1
Mordecai Lee 1733 1812 Brother oof slee1
Thomas Leeks
Joseph Leggate Joseph Leggate
Eliza Leggate Eliza Leggate
Isaac Leggett
Peter Lenhard
Lydia Lenox
George Lepley
Esther Letchman
Catharine Letchman
John Lettsom Doctor Lettsom;John Lettsome 1744 1815
Frederic Levenburgh Frederic Levenburgh
Esther Levis
Enoch Lewis 1776
Marshal Lewis
Thomas Lewis
E. Leybourne
Lieutenant Jo
Thomas Lightfoot 1742 1821
Benjamin Lincoln 1733 1810
Jacob Lindley Jacob Lindly 1744 1816 husband of hlind1, husband of rruth1
Hannah Lindley 1755 1798 wife of jlind1
Lindley Colonel Lindsley 1737 1794 Husband of wlind1
Samuel Lindley
George Lindsay George Lindsay
Mary Lindsley Wife of clind2
Hannah Lines
Samuel Linton
T. Lion
William Lippincott 1738 1802
Little Billy Gishkaka;Jish-ge-ge;Katy-did; Little Billy 1834
Little Hill
Eshter Littleman Eshter Littleman, Ester Littleman signed letter to Joseph Frost 1812, letter to female Quakers 1797
Catharine Littleman 1780 1843 signed letter to Joseph Frost 1812
Jacob Littleman
Little Turtle Michikinikwa;Meshekunnoghquoh;Michikinakoua;Michikiniqua;Me-She-Kin-No;Meshecunnaquan;Mischecanocquah;Little Turtle 1747 1812 sent letter to BYM in 1803 requesting visit
Edward Livingston 1764 1836
John Lloyd 1759 1838
Peter Lossing
Joseph Loughrey
John Love 17?? 1822-08-17
Francis Lovelace 1621 1675
John Luke
Jacob Lundy Jacob Lunday;Jacob Lundas 1751 1806
William Lundy William Lunday
Sarah Lundy Sarah Lundas 1748 1803
William Lupton
David Lupton 1757
William Lurhrey
Aaron Lurman
Henry Lushington 1812 1855
Elam Lynds Elam Lindes 1784 1855
Thomas MacCall Thomas McCaull 1774 1849
Alexander Mackenzie Alexander McKenzie;Alexander M'Kenzie 1764 1820-03-12
Caleb Macumber Caleb Maccumber;Caleb McCombre;Caleb McComber;Caleb Makcumber
John Madcalf John Metcalf
Maddock Sister of pmars1
James Madison 1751 1836
James Magarth
Mai i rai Walk on the Water
Jabes Manchester 1764
William Marcy 1786 1857
Jesse Maris
Marpuck Marpau;Mucketeypokee;Mucktypoke;Mka-da-puk-ke;Muccutay Penay;Makadebakii;Mkadébki;Black Partridge 1744
Charles Marriott 1782 1843
Lucia Marriott
Margaret Marriott
Samuel Marriott
Tabitha Marriott
Johnathan Marriott
Marseilles Marseilace
Joseph Marsh 1726 1811
Silas Marsh
John Marshall 1755 1835
Phebe Marshall 1780 Sister of wmadd1
Benjamin Marshall
Mary Daughter of Abram
John Mason 1766 1849
Benjamin Mason
George Massey 1767 1848
Michal Masyer
Timothy Matlack 1736 1829
Thomas Matthews 1749
John Matthewson
Elizabeth Mauchtoog
Elizabeth Maukhtoaquauwusquch Jersey
Elizabeth Maumontsquaw
Ebenezer Maunnautheet Ebenezer Maunauseet;Ebenezer Manawsett
Margery Mautawsquaw
Archibald McAllister
William McComb
Daniel McCormick
William McCoskry
William McGill
Alexander McGillivray Alexander McGillivrey 1750 1793
Thomas McKean 1734 1817
Thomas McKee M'Kee 1770 1814
Alexander McKee Wapameisheu 1735 1799
Thomas McKenney Colonel McKinney 1785 1859
John McKim John M'Kim
Henry McNire Henry McNair
John McPherson
William MCulloh
Hugh McWain
Zacheous Mead 1837
Charles Meatyard 1797 1872
Enoch Mellon
Rachel Mellon
Stephen Mendenhall
Nathan Mendenhall 1776 1841
Martha Mendenhall 1759
James Mendenhall 1764
Thomas Mercer
Simon Meredith
Thankful Merrit 1780 1845
John Merrit John Merrit 1758 1833 husband of pmerr1
Consider Merrit 1766
Phebe Merrit Phebe Merrit 1765 1838 wife of jmerr1
Anne Merritt 1785
Martha Merritt Wife of dmerr1
Daniel Merritt Husand of mmerr1
Samuel Merritts
John Messemer John Mesemer
Metacomet King Philip;Metacom 1676
John Metorsen
George Meyrick
James M'Grew James M'Grew
Warner Mifflin 1745 1798
Thomas Mifflin 1744 1800
Charles Mifflin 1783
Ann Miflin Ann Emlen 1815
Henry Miles 1795 1885
Mary Miller
Christopher Miller
Hannah Miller