where to be Devided when the rest came Home.
I Left a few lines with Gearheart to be read & expla
ined to them, which he said should be done, & that they should
have every article I Left with him, for them, he would also
instruct them how to use the Tools.
The few Lines are as follows
Brothers & Sisters
I suppose you know that your old friends the People
Called Quakers of Philadelphia & parts adjacent, are about
helping and indeavouring to encourage the Indians to
become good Farmers; wherefore they have Sent you So
me Impliments of Husbandry; which your Friends the
Quakers, that visitted you Last Summer proposed to give
you for your encouragement.
Brothers, I inform you that we want nei-
ther Land nor Money Skins or furrs for these articles or for
our expence & Labour; but only to do you good, and that
you may do good for yourselves; which you will if you
strive to be Farmers. I should be glad if I had seen
you, but you where scattered about the Country that