4th For every three Tons of Hay rais’d as aforesaid, and put into
a Stack or barn the Sum of two Dollars;
5th For every 12 yds of Linning Cloth made by any Indian woman
out of flax raised on her or her Husbands Land, and spun in
her own House, the Sum of one Dollar to be paid to the woman.
6th For every 12 yds of wollen Cloth, maid as aforesaid, of the wool
of her own, or her Husbands Sheep, Spun in like manner aforesd.
the Sum of one Dollar to be paid to the woman;
Now the Conditions of obtaining the above Premiums, are that
the Persons applying Shall produce a Citificate Signed at Least
by two of their Chiefs, of his or her particular Tribe, certifying
the particular Quantity, of grain. Cloths & c. for which said
Premium Shall be Demanded and that it was raised & maid
in the manner above Particularly Specifyed, and also the appli-
cant has not, to the best of their knowledg been Intoxicated with
Strong Drink, at Least for the Space of one full year, before Such applica-
tion be made; And we further Propose that any man or
Woman of these two Nations, by produceing a Certificate, from
two of the Chiefs, as aforesaid, that he or she is highest or foremost
in one or more of the above Particulars of any other Person in
that Nation, He or She Shall be Entitled to a Double Premium
for the particulars in which he or she Shall be So highest