up a School for the Education of your Children, by agreing to pay
part of the Salary, to your former Master John Quinney, if he
will agree to Teach again, we are willing to pay 25 Dollars a Quarter
for one year at Least, if you will agree to make up as much as to
Encourage him to keep steadily; our Friends who Stay amongst
you, will pay the Money Punctually, when a Certificate is produced
to them. Signed by two of your Chiefs, certifying that
the School has been kept up Steadily, for the length of time aboveme-
ntioned for payment; The Tuscororas being admitted to partake
equally of the advantages of this School.
Brothers, We further Propose for your encouragement
in agricutures Industry & c, that for the Term of two years,
from the third month next, we will give the following Premium
to any Individual Indian of the Stockbridg Nation, Living in
this Reservation, upon the conditions herein after mentioned;
1st For every 50 Bushels of wheat raised in one year within
said terms. by any one Farmer of either of these two Nations
on his own Land, not wraught, by any white People, the Sum of 2 Dollars
2nd For every 100 Bushels of Indian corn raised in Like
manner aforesaid The Sum of two Dollars,
3rd For every 100 Bushels of Potatoes raised as foresaid,
the Sum of one and an half;