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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons journals, Vol. 1 1796-1797

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Brothers of the Stockbridg Nation: we are very glad
to find that Through the Blessing of the great Spirit; and your
Honest Industry, and frugal Sobriety, you may soon be in a way
to Live comfortably, without being beholding to any body for
help; - Brothers - as you canot but Thankfully acknowledg
This to be the Case with this Nation, in general, and you know
we want to help many of your Indians Brothers a Little, who
Stands in much more need than you do, we trust you will not
Think hard of us if we do not do a great Deal for you at this time; but,
Brothers, in order to Encourage you to be Still more Industrous
and Saving, and to set a good example to your Indian brothers;
and Nabours who are far behind you in point of Sivilization, we
have agreed to help you a Little, as Fathers;

Brothers, We agree to give you our Smith Tools all comp
leet, and one of our Friends can Instruct you a Little in using them
and also a Share of our Impliments of Husbandry;

Brothers, We also are willing to Encourage you in building
a grist Mill by agreeing to advance three Dollars to your one,
of all the Money actually to be pai’d for materials machanical
Labour, and victualling the workmen; you finding the Timber
and Delivering on the Spot, And doing such other parts of the
business as you may be capable of, without, bringing it into the
general charge, of which we have agreed to pay three forths,