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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journey to Detroit

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in the Stage Waggon for Albany

. - We
pass'd the remains of Fort Ann & Fort
, the first 11, the latter 24 miles from
Skeensborough, - about 8 in the evening
arrived at Saratoga on the North River, 35 miles from Skeensbugh.
and 36 miles from Albany


We left Saratoga

about 6 A.M.and reach'd
Lansingburg about 2 P.M. where we dined,
- our ride this morning has been all the
way in a very pleasant Road on the banks
of Hudsons River - we pass'd through so
some beautiful Villages, particularly the
half Moon, or Waterford, on the west side
of the River, about a Mile above Lansing-
, which is situated on the East side,
they both appear to be places of considerable
Trade, and from the number of new buildings
erecting, very rapidly increasing in size
and beauty, - the same may be said
of Troy which stands a few miles below
Lansingbourg on the same side of the River
where we again Ferried over and arrived at
Albany about 5 oClock - Lansingbourgh 9 m. from Albany.