notwithstanding the vigilence of
who were continually upon the watch to keep
them off - The
Indian Corn is begining to
be fit for Roasting, and it is the business
one hand to watch the Birds, who have
already done great damage in
the field.
--The Black Birds, we are told, are equally
mischievious in all parts of
the Country.
--Came down, and sail'd the Sloop anchor'd
opposite our
Encampment, the Sloop Detroit
from Michilimackanac
This morning intended going in a Canoe
about 4 miles up the River to a
Village, but the wind blowing hard from
the S.W. prevented
Heavy rain last night, and all this
morning untill Hoon - in the
had a Meeting at the House of Simon
about 5 oClock.- about 11 A.M. the Chipeway
pass'd by on her way from Fort Erie
River, bound to Detroit - She sent on Shore
a Packet for the Commissioners from Philadelpa
among its contents were News Papers as
late at the 25th of the 6th month.