every sense, has been made pleasant
beyond what could have been foreseen,
or reasonably expected, - for this
favour, thanksgiving and praises are
due to the Great Author of
every good
--The kind attention which, unrecom-
mended, we have received from Strangers, I
hope, will ever be kept in grateful re-
membrance, and I cannot but
the obligation is greatly enhanced by the
persuasion, that
it proceeded not from
sinester motives, but was simply
the effusion of
noble and generous Minds.
at our Quarters, and kindly offered to
lend us his Barge to go down to go down
the River, or accommodate us in any
other way that might be more agreeable,
but, as the Dunmore would be ready to Sail
on the morning of the 25th, he would re-
commend it to us to wait untill that
time and go down in her - we
Place Information
This morning Col. England
Person Information
at our Quarters, and kindly offered to
lend us his Barge to go down to go down
the River, or accommodate us in any
other way that might be more agreeable,
but, as the Dunmore would be ready to Sail
on the morning of the 25th, he would re-
commend it to us to wait untill that
time and go down in her - we