, J. Lindley,
J. Moore and J.
Elliott, (W.Savery being
and went down about 6 miles on the East
side - the good Land on the banks of the River
on both sides does not extend above a mile
back, beyond that it is low and marshy,
little or none of it cultivated. - saw some beau
beautiful pieces of wheat, fine orchards, full
of fruit, Cherries ripe, and Cucumber vines
just beginning to run.- The Land being rather
low, their Indian corn is very short, about 8 or 9
inches high in general. - We dined at Fredk.
Arnolds, one of the society of the Dunkards,
a native of Germany, who formerly lived in
Pensylvania, he inform'd me he purchased the
place he now lives on, an old French settlement
containing about 100 acres, with a tolerable good
House, Barn and Orchard, for 300 N.Y. Currency.
He also let me see his Certificates, from
Government, for Lands granted to him and his
Children, by which I find they (the Certificates) are not, in
any shape, transferable, either by sale, assign
assignment, or Donation, and that the Titles
are to be given upon such Conditions as may
be the Kings pleasure. - At 5 P.M. had a
solid satisfactory Meeting with a few of the
Inhabitants, at the House of John Mesemer,
Place Information
Cross'd the River with J. Parrish
Person Information
Person Information
J. Moore
Person Information
Person Information
Person Information
and went down about 6 miles on the East
side - the good Land on the banks of the River
on both sides does not extend above a mile
back, beyond that it is low and marshy,
little or none of it cultivated. - saw some beau
beautiful pieces of wheat, fine orchards, full
of fruit, Cherries ripe, and Cucumber vines
just beginning to run.- The Land being rather
low, their Indian corn is very short, about 8 or 9
inches high in general. - We dined at Fredk.
Person Information
a native of Germany, who formerly lived in
Pensylvania, he inform'd me he purchased the
place he now lives on, an old French settlement
containing about 100 acres, with a tolerable good
House, Barn and Orchard, for 300 N.Y. Currency.
He also let me see his Certificates, from
Government, for Lands granted to him and his
Children, by which I find they (the Certificates) are not, in
any shape, transferable, either by sale, assign
assignment, or Donation, and that the Titles
are to be given upon such Conditions as may
be the Kings pleasure. - At 5 P.M. had a
solid satisfactory Meeting with a few of the
Inhabitants, at the House of John Mesemer
Person Information