removed their Mattrasses into a House
account of the Rain, the rest of us kept in our
Tents in which we
lay dry and comfortable.
Some remarkable expressions which dropt
Governor Simcoe
Person Information
the Morning of the 27th, being omited in the proper
place, are in substance as follows - He said that
falsehoods had been intimated by American Com-
missioners at former treaties with the Indians, in
respect to the British Government ceeding to the
United States the absolute property of the Indian
Country, as the price of Peace, - nothing more
being intended by that Article of the Treaty, than
the right of preemption, which he fully acknow
-ledged, and said that the British Government had no
right to purchase Lands of the Indians within
the limits mark'd out by the Treaty - He fur-
ther said that the Indians had been treated
with cruelty and injustice, and that it was
his opinion they never would make peace
except the River Ohio was made the boundary
line. - He further said that scandalous
falsehoods had been propagated in the News
papers of the United States, respecting the
British still keeping possession of the West-
ern Ports, that the only reason was the