, have
-drawn their attention from some of the Tribes, heretofore under
their care; and extended their views to the westward, they
find it increasingly incumbent on them, to continue their care
to those tribes, who have from the early part of this concern more
immediately claim'd their attention - the information
contain'd in the Report, appears to afford satisfaction, and
the Committee are continued to the service, and encouraged to
attend to the concern, in such way as may appear most
likely to answer the views of the Meeting, in promoting the
welfare of these Indians
Place Information
A report in writing was received from the Committee
on the Indian concern,
by which it appears that those friends
have given attention to the subject,
that a visit has been made
by me of their number since last year to divers
of the Indians
settlements, whose report, together with the accounts
received from
a friend resident amongst the Natives, furnishes encourage-
ment - and gives reason to believe, that the case of this May
that People has been useful; the Committee also state
that as our friends
of Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting
Organization Information
-drawn their attention from some of the Tribes, heretofore under
their care; and extended their views to the westward, they
find it increasingly incumbent on them, to continue their care
to those tribes, who have from the early part of this concern more
immediately claim'd their attention - the information
contain'd in the Report, appears to afford satisfaction, and
the Committee are continued to the service, and encouraged to
attend to the concern, in such way as may appear most
likely to answer the views of the Meeting, in promoting the
welfare of these Indians