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Beyond Penn's Treaty

New York Yearly Meeting minutes [Indian reports extracted]

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New York

5th day morning 28th the meeting again assembled

It appears by the report of the Committee, continued by last Year
-ly Meeting, on its concern relative to the Indian natives, that the
subject, hath divers times engaged their close attention, and that a visit
has been perform'd by some of their number, to satisfaction, those People
being improveing in agriculture, and School learning, and that there is
cause to believe, some of their minds, are at times impress'ed with religious
thoughtfulness; the subject renewedly claim'd, the attention of the Meeting,
under which, a desire is afresh witness'd, for the religious, and temporal
welfare, of that part of the human race, the committee are continued to
the service, and encouraged to move forward in the concern, as may apear
to them most likely to answer the views of Friends, in promoting the good of
that People, Richard Mott

, Willett Hicks, Adam Mott, Joseph Bird,
Charles Webb, Leonard Cook, John Grifin Jun.r and Isaac Thorne Jun.r
are added to the committee; and Charles Frost, is at his request releas'd from
the appointment.