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Beyond Penn's Treaty

New York Yearly Meeting minutes [Indian reports extracted]

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parts of the Yearly Meeting, but we have as yet received but little
thereon; and the Committee apprehend it may be right for them
at this time to suggest to the Yearly Meeting, that they continue
to feel solicitous that a Fund may be raised, so as to encourage
some suitable friends to go & reside among them, as one principle
means of promoting their welfare -

New York 5th mo 25. 1800 by
Thomas Franklin Clk

The communication now received from the Committee on this
concern, affords asatisfaction to the Meeting; and altho the work
of civilization, and promoting the welfare of that poor and injured
people is a gradual one, and attended with many difficulties,
yet it is desireable that friends may not be discouraged, in the
extension of such farther care towards them as way may open for it;
and from what is felt and expressed in the Meeting, during its
deliberation on this interesting subject, the Committee are
requested to give renew'd attention thereto, and avail themselves
of every prudent means, which may be within their reach, to
promote the comfort, & good of that People - And as it appears
by the report, there has not been much raised during the last
Year, in order the better to carry into effect the benevolent views
of this Meeting, it is proposed that the subject be recommended
to the attention of our Quarterly Meetings, as the most likely way
to encourage friends to aliberality equal in some good degree to
raise a fund for the important purposes contemplated by the
Committee, (one principal object being to encourage a friend, and
his family to go, and reside among them) and the Meeting
appearing to be united with the proposal, it is therefore recommended
to our Quarterly Meetings, as asubject deserving of the attention of Friends,
and that Subscriptions be open'd accordingly by our Monthly Meetings,
and that the Money which may be raised be forwarded to Thomas

in New York Treasurer to the Committee - John
& Joseph Talcott being proposed as additional Members, the
same is united with, & they accordingly appointed thereto, - and
Willett Seaman at his request is released from that appointment.

Adjourned to the 9th Hour tomorrow Morning.