some pecuniary assistance, mostly to procure Bread
that divers of the Indians appear to be religious sober
persons, and very sensible of the perniceous effects of
drink, and concern'd for their People on that acccount-
yet others still gave way to that weakness - That they
several young Men from Pensylvania
Place Information
of our Society residing amongst them, from their own concern
and under the direction of a Committee, of the Yearly
Meeting of Philadelphia
Place Information
-ment of the Indians; who informed them, that altho they
met with many discouragements, yet on the whole there is
an improvement amongst them, that the Indians form a
desire that their Children, may have some School learning,
have several Schools amonst them, one of which is taught
by one of the forementioned Friends; the other by their own
People; several of the Tribes, express'd the satisfaction they
had in the visit paid them by our Friends in 1795, signify-
-ing that it had been useful to them, which appear'd to have
been the case - The Indians viewed the visit kindly,
express'd their gratitude for this further attention of care
and regard for them - That tho the visit was attended
with some fateague yet they had a good degree of satisfac-
-tion therein - Sign'd by direction, and on behalf of the Comittee
John Barron
Person Information
The care and attention manifsted by the Committee, to those
people is
satisfactory to the Meeting; and the comfortable quit