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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

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and he expresses it as his opinion, that when Peace is
restored in that country these People will be more than
Ever disposed to pursue the farming business, he also
states that these Indians have manifested on all
occasions a firm friendship towards their white

By a letter from one of our Members in

, we are likewise informed that the tools and
implements of husbandry which had been prepared for
Captain Lewis, and the Indians at Stoney Creek were
all delivered to them and are now in use, and that
these Indians had also continued firmly attached to the
white People, and such of them as were permited to re
main at home were busily engaged on their farms. He
also states that the Mill which had been nearly complet
ed at Waupaukanetta still remains unfinished on
account of the unsetled state of things in that country

We have not received any information from the
Villages at Mohicken Johns Lake

, since last yearly
Meeting, the care of these Indians had been commited
by us to some of our Members who reside west of the
Allegahny Mountains

We have examined the Treasurers acct. and find
in his hands a balance of $2873.70 exclusive of the princi
pal of the donation from our Brethren in Great Britain

and $236.18 /4 which had been placed in the hands of the
committee who were charged with the care of the Indians
near Mohicken Johns Lake

Signed on behalf of the Committee
Philip E. Thomas Clerk

Then adjourned

At a meeting of the committee on Indian concerns
10 mo 20 1813

Present 9 Members

Silas Dinsmoore

the agent of the Choctaw nation