$196 68/100 place in
the hands of the members of the
committee west of the mountains and
the principal
of the donation from our brethren in Great
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Signed on behalf of the committee
P.E Thomas Clerk
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The Treasurer was directed to refund John Ellicott
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the expence incured by him in conveying Captain
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Then adjourned
At a Meeting of the Committee on Indian concerns
10 mo 12 1813, Wm
Kenworthy, Edward
Stabler, Andrew Ellicott
Ellicott & Philip E Thomas were appointed to
preparea report to the Yearly Meeting who
produced the following, that the
Indians at Wau
pakannetta who
have been heretofore under our care had
returned to their Villages, and had raised a good crop of
corn from which they had sold about 3000 Bushels and that
they have a prospect of a large crop the present season
10 mo 12 1813
present 18 members. George Ellicott
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preparea report to the Yearly Meeting who
produced the following
To the Yearly Meeting now siting
The Committee on Indian concerns
report that since
the last yearly meeting no way has opened to renew
efforts to carry into effect the concern of Friends, relative
the Indian natives, we have however received information
the Indian agent at Piqua
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returned to their Villages, and had raised a good crop of
corn from which they had sold about 3000 Bushels and that
they have a prospect of a large crop the present season