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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

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of Indians having left 2 Indian Boys under our care
until his return from a Visit to the Secretary of War
and Elisha Tyson

having stated to the Committee
that these boys were now greatly in want of some
articles of cloathing, which being considered he was
directed to procure the necessary supplies, and call
on our Treasurer for the amount of Expence incured
who was directed to advance the same until it
can be returned by the Indian agent
then adjourned

At a Meeting of the Committee on Indian
concerns10 mo 10 1814

Present 15 Members

The following report to the Yearly Meeting was
agreed to

The Yearly Meeting now siting

The committee on Indian concerns report that
since the last yearly meeting no way has opened to
renew our efforts towards carrying into effect the
concern of friends relative to the Indian natives,
the war which unhappily raged through the country
not having until a few months subsided and many
of the Indians being we are informed still engaged
on Military expeditions. We however indulge a hope
that the time is approaching when our efforts may
again be employed amongst them: Under this
prospect the committee feel engaged to stand ready
to embrace the earliest opportunity which may occur
to carry into effect the benevolent views of friends
towards them

We have examined the Treasurers a/c and