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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

Page out of 262

and feel strongly animated to continue their
efforts with increased diligence & zeal

The committee may further inform that
a considerable number of the principal
cheifs of the different nations of Indians
bordering on the United States passed through
this city during the last winter amongst
these were several of the chiefs of those Tribes
with whom we have had an acquaintance
and divers conferences took place between us
and them on the general subject of our
concern. From the information which they
gave us it appeard that a disposition is pre
vailing amongst their people to turn their
attention towards the cultivation of their
lands, and to establish themselves in fixed
habitations, and we are strengthened in the
opinion that as the great obstacle to their
improvement has we trust been removed this
disposition will continue to gain ground amongst
them and that notwithstanding we have had
many discouraging circumstances to encounter
yet there is encouragement for Friends to
persevere in the benevolent work they have
engaged in and a comfortable hope that
as we are favoured patiently to abide under
the weight of this concern our labours will