Meeting for Sufferings forwarded a memorial
legislature of Ohio
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to the subject and that it would adopt such
measures for the relief of the Indians
as might appear beneficial & proper and
it is with great satisfaction we can inform
the Yearly Meeting, that a law was obtained
which intirely interdicts under heavy penalties
the transportation of any intoxicating liquors
out of that state for the purpose of being
Vended to Indians, and also the furnishing any
to Indians who may come within the
limits of the state- We have also the satis
faction to add that we have understood that
similar laws have been passed in the Territories,
and as it was principally from these places
that the Indians obtained their supplies of
Spiritous liquors the committee indulges the
hope that they will not hereafter have to
struggle against the powerful obstacles which
this most pernicious article has heretofore
thrown in their way and which had discouraged
them from extending much assistance the
present year, they therefore cannot but rejoice
in the prospect which now opens before them