informing them of the Judgment which
we had come to
respecting our proceedings toward
the Indians for the present season
A letter from John Johnson
was received & read & refered for further consi
The friend appointed to transmit our
Memorial to the Legislature of
subject of interdicting the ale of spiritous
Liquors to Indians within that state informed
that he had forwarded it as directed and that
the following Law had been passed by the assembly
viz An act to prevent the selling of Spirituous
liquors to the Indians-
Sec 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of the state of Ohio,
that if any tavern keeper
or other person or persons shall sell or
any spirituous or other liquids of intoxicating
to any Indian or Indians within this
state, or convey or attempt to
convey or be instru
mental in conveying any of the
liquors or liquids out of this state with an in
tent to
dispose of the same to any Indian or
Indians unless authorized by
the proper au
thority- Such person or persons shall forfeit
pay a fine not exceeding one hundred
dollars nor less than five
dollars to be recov
ered with costs of suit by Indictment in
county where the offence was committed to be