to yield him the necessary aid to enable him
to carry into
effect his plan
The committee after solid deliberation on
the present situation of the
concern refered to
us by the yearly meeting, were united in the
that under present circumstances it
will be most prudent to confine our
rations for the present season to the employing
of two persons for
the purpose of aiding the
Indians on the Wabash 2 or 3 months in
puting in their crop and geting it
so far
forward as that they will able to cultivate
&secure it
afterwards themselves. The sub com
mittee were accordingly directed to give
this in
formation to that part of the committee who
reside on the west
side of the mountains and
to request John
two suitable men for that purpose and au
thorise him to draw on our Treasurer for the
Amt. of expence that may be incured = They were
also desired to direct the last years crop which
had been secured in cribs to be divided amongst
the Indians at the village in such way as the
chiefs & John Shaw
deliverd to them as a present from Friends
Then adjourned