any liquors to our town it
should be imme
diately spilled on the ground and the
should loose it-
As my friends will probably wish to
know what assistance we may most
in need of. I will observe that I expect
about 10 barrels
of pork 12 Barrels of flour
& two bushels of salt will be
nessisary to
subsist the Indians until their crop will
come on
this if it is furnished to me it
shall only be distributed to those
will quit hunting and closely apply
Themselves to work- I
should like to have
about eight breeding sows & two Boars.
grass seeds some oats & wheat seeds, Some
potatoes some
flax seed and the means
of procuring some cloathing for my 5
men the whole of these things can be got
from Hamilton
our village at vastly less expence than at
Fort Wayne
Chief of the
Muhhiconnick Nation
The sub committee further informed that
after communication on the request of
Hendrick Au
to prosecute his views in regard to the Indians on
the White River they had concluded it would be best to
make known his situation to the Government
who had thereupon so far patronised his undertaking
as to direct the Indian agent at Fort Wayne