and hoe on a farm. they left home with me
well cloathed but
before I came away they
were nearly naked but in order to
& make them as comfortable as I could while
I am
absent from them I had on 50 dols
worth of cloath from Johnston for
them to
& should be remembered that we raised
nothing but
corn last summer in that country
and we wish to be diligent at our
yet we cannot work hard without substantial
food now if the
men should be obliged to
Hunt for food or Cloath they must of
sity neglect the farming business, and if I
cannot obtain
some supplies of provision
before the crops come on they will suffer
indeed if they could not hear some encourage
ment I fear
my young men will abandon
this object & return to their own
I therefore earnestly hope my friends will
take this into
their serious consideration
And I do firmly believe that by the
of the great good Spirit we may do much
good for these
poor Indians- my hopes &
expectations for their future
are greatly strengthened from various
cumstances among other things. The delawares
and the other Indians at the white river
in a general council held by the Chiefs &
head warriors, with the young men at that
place last August they passed a law by
general consent that if any person should bring