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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

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Wm Noruuqshen Ebenezer Maun-
& Robert Sheket to visit those tribes
for the purpose of doing all we could to pro
mote their welfare, and we left our homes &
families in July 1807 their situation appeared
to gloomy that I felt it my duty to stay with
them and to use my utmost endeavous to
promote the useful arts of agriculture amongst
them-And they are inclined to learn them
and greatly desire we should liver and die
with them in that country

I have found a willing
mind to undertake to make a proper trial
to draw them into the path of civilization
I accordingly left five of my young men in
their country to help the delawares

this winter
to cut timber for nails until I return to
them in the spring-

I stated the foregoing circumstances
to the President of the U-S- in substance
and informed you already of the encourage
ment he gave me you will percieve in
order to proceed in this laudable work it is
essential my five young men should have
some encouragement from the government or
friends- J Jacobs

as I told you is an approved
school master, and is well qualified to teach
the children to read & write & J Naunuhtaug
is an ingenious Carpenter- understands the
management of a grist and saw mill- And
can keep them in repair- the other three young men
are active and industrious and can use the axe