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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

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utmost exertions indeed

4th The history of the indians since the Europeans
first settled on this Island as well as our own
experience convinces us that all the different
tribes would decrease until they become extinct
as nations, unless they can be prevailed on to
relinquish the old rough path which they have
been following and get into the path which
leads to peace & happiness

5th My Co-chief and our councellers being impres
sed with the above sentiments held a general
Council on the subject and believed it to be
their duty to appoint me together with three of
our counsellors &five principal young men
to visit the above mentioned tribes in order to
renew the covenant of friendship which had
subsisted between our ancestors & theirs and to
deliver to them the best counsel we could give them
I believed it to be my duty to comply with the
request of my nation as well as the impressions
which I often felt on my heart, I therefore with
the eight men of my nation proceeded on our
journey in Oct 1803- and having renewed
our covenant of friendship with the Delawares

Monseys as also other tribes they desired that I and
my nation should remove and dwell with them
on the Land on white river which tract had
been granted to this confederacy by the Miamies
& other tribes at their general council near Post
forty years ago

6th Influenced by the same sentiments my nation
again appointed me, also John Jacobs

- Jacob