raised a good crop of corn
which they
had previous to their leaving that place
secured in a
crib- on their departure
from the station they were
by several of the principal Indians of
the Village
as far as Fort Wayne
which place on taking leave of them
these Indians expressed their gratitude
to friends for the kind assistance they
had furnished them and desired our young
men to inform us that they earnestly hoped
we would still continue our friendly aid
towards them
From the information received it was
the united judgment of the
committee that the
situation of the settlement required the
attention of friends
The same persons who were employed the
past season were accordingly
engaged & having
set out early in the spring, reached the
about the middle of the 4th month last. By
received from them it appears that
the Indians were much pleased at
their return
& they found the settlement in as good a
ation as could be expected, the corn which
had been the
last fall secured in cribs