in keeping them in their present uncivilized
state will use
great efforts to counteract thy
exertions, and will throw every
obstacle they
can in the way of any plan that may be adopted
their civilization, they will also probably
endeavour to persuade
the Indians, that the
Government is now influenced by
interested motive, and if they can no other
way succeed in
rendering the present attempt
abortive, will even endeavour to
them to abandon their present settlements
and remove
further to the westward. And
as these traders by living amongst
Indians and speaking their language, have
a great influence
over them, it will
require much circumspectiom and wisdom in thee
counteract this influence. Thou must be
cautious in thy
communications to them
and very particular in the selection of
ters- We apprehend it will rarely be safe
for thee to
make use of a trader for this purpose.
In thy communications with
the Secretary of
times exhibit a candid and unreserved
view of the state of business under the care