it to a future sitting of the Committee
The following letter was produced and read
appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Baltimore
Dear Friends
Your acceptable Epistle of the
10 Mo
last, was not for a considerable time after
its date produced
to our committee, occasioned
by a lengthy suspension of their
meeting. Your exertions
for the instruction of the Miamie
Indians in agriculture was noticed with much
satisfaction. That you may be encouraged to
persevere in a work confessedly arduous, yet promise-
ing such essential bennefis to our Red brethren
is earnestly desired, being persuaded that the religious
concern of Society, for the improvement & welfare
of this people, originated in motives truely benevolent
and under best influence, so are we of the mind
as we move therein under wise direction, that
the work will be, as we think it has been owned
and blessed.
Our labours on behalf of the Indians have
yielded as much solid peace
as most services in
which we have been engaged, and what
claims our thankful commemoration, after some
of our faith and patience, waiting for suitable
characters to reside
amongst the Indians, such
have come forward measurably under the