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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

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As we had not received your answer, and
thinking you did not wish our assistance, we have
since that period turned our minds to assist some other
nations of our Red brethren

We wish you to forward to us as soon as
you can a copy of the answer to our communication
which has miscarried in order that we may know your
sentiments on the subject
Signed on behalf of the Comm.
By Evan Thomas
Geo. Ellicott
David Grave
Jonas Cattel
Balt. 10 Mo 18 1804

No further business appearing at this time
the committee adjourns. sine die

Baltimore 2 Mo. 3 1805

At a Meeting of the committee on Indian concerns
Present 16 Members

The friends appointed at last meeting to
assist the clerk in arranging the minutes of the late
committee under appointment of the Yearly meeting
on Indian concerns report that they have attended to
the service and that all the minutes as far as they
could be collected are correctly recorded,--they are released