your brother has a mind to live amongst us
shew us how to cultivate the Earth and have
us to shew him the spot where to begin
We agreed then that he should be at neither
of our
villages least our younger brothers might be
jealous of
our taking him to ourselves. We have
determined to place
him on the Wabash whre some
of our families will follow
him, where our young
men I hope will flock to him and
where he will be
able to instruct them as he wishes
This is all I have to say. I could all day
repeat the
sentiments I have already expressed, also
how much I
have been gratified in seeing and
hearing from our
brothers, but this is not necessary
--I am sorry the
chiefs of our Country are not all
present, that they
might all hear what you have
said and have an
opportunity to talk with you
At the close of the conference we inf-
ormed the Indians that we
wished to accompany
Philip Dennis
him to commence his operations and requested them
to appoint one of their number to accompany us there
the Little Turtle
accompany us himself, but that he was too much
indisposed to go such a distance, they accordingly
appointed a guide, who together with William Wells
accopanyed us. We were much pleased with the situation