no further business appearing at this time the
committee adjourns
10 Mo 15 1804
from Pennsylvania
appointed by the yearly meeting of Baltimore
We of the committee appointed in the 2nd Mo.
last to visit the western Indians,
who had offered to go with us in order to remain with
the Indians during the season for the purpose of
instructing them in agriculture taking with him two
good horses to be employed in ploughing &c,. On the
30th of the 3rd Month we arrived at Fort Wayne
Situated on the Miami of the Lake, and at
junction of the St. Mary’s
& St. Joseph’s rivers
the Five Medals (by whom we were
received with
Place Information
At a meeting of the committee on Indian
concerns present 16 Members and our
friend Isaac
Person Information
The friends appointed at last meeting to
visit the Indians inform that two of
them attended
to the service and produced the following report, to wit
appointed by the yearly meeting
Organization Information
We of the committee appointed in the 2nd Mo.
last to visit the western Indians,
report, that on the
23rd of the same
month we proceeded upon our
journey, accompanied by our friend
Philip Dennis
Person Information
who had offered to go with us in order to remain with
the Indians during the season for the purpose of
instructing them in agriculture taking with him two
good horses to be employed in ploughing &c,. On the
30th of the 3rd Month we arrived at Fort Wayne
Place Information
Situated on the Miami
Place Information
junction of the St. Mary’s
Place Information
Place Information
Shortly after our arrival we convened a few
Indians, amongst whom
were the Little Turtle
Person Information
the Five Medals
Person Information