preceeding our next Yearly Meeting
At a Meeting of the Committee of Indian
concerns held at Baltimore the 7th of the 10 Mo 1797
To the Committee appointed by the Yearly
Of Maryland on Indian
we set out from
David Greave’s on the
side of the Monongahila river about 240 miles
from Baltimore and traveled on a mean direction
a little S of W. about 130 miles to the Mouth
of Licking Creek on the W. side of the Muskinghum
river thence near 5 to 80
miles to Chilecothe a town
on the Sciote river, thence up this
river near a N.
course 70 miles thence near W. upwards of 30 miles
to the head of Mad river a branch of the great
Miami, thence E. of N. 50 miles to the
Upper San-
dusky Town about
40 miles above lake Erie.
S.E. 120 miles to the Mouth of Licking creek aforsaid
and thence nearly reversing our former route back.
concerns held at Baltimore
Place Information
present 9 Members
The following report was produced & read
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Of Maryland
Organization Information
For the purpose of furnishing the Committee
at large with more full
& perfect information
respecting the situation and disposition
of the Indians
the subscribers undertook a journey N.W. of the
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Person Information
side of the Monongahila river
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from Baltimore
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a little S of W. about 130 miles to the Mouth
of Licking Creek
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Place Information
Place Information
on the Sciote river
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course 70 miles thence near W. upwards of 30 miles
to the head of Mad river a branch of the great
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dusky Town
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Place Information
S.E. 120 miles to the Mouth of Licking creek
Place Information
and thence nearly reversing our former route back.
In the course of this journey having visited a
number of Indian
Hunting Camps and several of their