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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

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which I have heard of have been preposterous. We
have aimed at teaching Religion & the Sciences before
we have taught them the simple and essential
labours of civil life.

Gov. St. Clair,
I am very Respectfully
Yr. Mo. Obd. Serv.
Tim Pickering

The following report was agreed on

To the Yearly Meeting in Baltimore

The committee last year, appointed to attend
to the Concern opened and considered in the yearly Meeting
relating to the civilization and improvement of the
situation of the Indians have divers times met and
conferred on the Method most proper to persue in order
To obtain the necessary information respecting the
situation and disposition of those nations who
reside most convenient on the NW of the river Ohio

and believed the way most likely to answer that
purpose would be to appoint some of our number
to go into that Country and open biefor their chiefs
the desire friends had of affording them som assis-
tance in the particulars above mentioned, according
by 5 Wise nominated for that pupose 4 of whom after
being furnished with permission from Government
proceeded to the mouth of Wheeling on the Ohio river