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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

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The above Committee previous to these proceedings on
the above mentioned Journey were furnished with
permission from Government expressed in Letters
from the secretary of State addressed to gov. St.

and Gen. Wayne, being as follows,

Department of State May 31st 1796Sir

Mr. Henry Drinker

of this city whose respe-
table standing among the Society of Friends and as
our fellow citizen you will know has informed me
that a dellegation of five president judicious men
of religious Caracters have been deputed by there
brethren of that Society in Maryland to visit the
Indian Tribes NW of the river Ohio for the purpose
of learning their situation and disposition and thence
to judge of the practicability of introducing among
them the simplest and most useful arts of civil Life
.The result of their enquiries and observations they are
to report on their return to the Society.

The approbation of the President has been asked
and obtained. The object of this letter is to communicate
the same to you and to request of you towards the
delegation all the protection & countenance to which
their respectable characters and philanthropic views
entitle them. Most attempts at civilizing the Indians