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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

Page out of 262

signified a willingness to devote their time and to
go and reside amongst them for that purpose

We have also written a circular letter to the
different tribes of those called the Six Nations

before them the desire we have to assist them in attaining
a more comfortable, quiet and peaceful mode of life
than they have been accustomed to desiring they would
in their councils solidly weigh and concider our proposal
and send us their result as early as may be.

Some of us have wa-
ited on the President of the United States and acqua-
inted him with the views of our religious Society in
the exercise of endeavours for the instruction of the
Indians in the cultivation of their Lands and in other
respects tending to their comfort and improvement
in a more civilized state which he assured us
ware objects he had endeavoured to promote and
ware fully approved by him.

The secretary of state who has the Mangement
of all concerns with the Indians, under his particu-
lar care has also been conferred with and manifests a
desire to cooperate with our society in promoting the
welfare of the Indians which will appear or perusing
a copy of his letter to the six nations herewith sent,

And we may further inform you that Israel