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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

Page out of 262

and among other services particularly enjoined on the
said sub committee, they were requested to corres-
pond with such committees of the neighbouring
Yearly Meetings as are or may be appointed
for the like perpose.

It is desired that letters and communications on
the subject may be directed to Thomas Wistar

our Clerk who will on nessary occasions call
a Meeting of the said 15 Friends. They now
conceive it seasonable to furnish you with some
information of their progress and movements in
the business intrusted to their care.

The committee at large concluded to address our
quarterly and Monthly Meetings thereon and to
circulate the same in all the particular Meetin-
gs together with the minutes on our Yearly Meeting
and extracts from divers Speeches and Letters of
Indian Chiefs all tending to spread useful information
and draw the attention of our Members to the situ-
ation of these distressed people, which we hope will
have a beneficial effect by exciting in the minds
of Individuals a feeling sympathy with them
and an increasing desire to be helpful in promoting
their civil and religious improvement, several
Sober religious minded persons having already