weeks; so that their letter of recommendation has not
been yet read amongst them, excepting to a few In-
dividuals, nor any way open’d for their being parti-
cularly useful to these people, in the way contem-
plated. Our friends also in the farming line, are
not without close trials, & exercises with regard to
the state of their business, one of them having been
sick most of this Spring, and no Indians having
yet joined them to work in the way proposed by
our Articles they have been obliged to hire this season
to the Amo’r of 100 Dollars & upwards, & that often
attended with disagreeable circumstances such as
murmuring at their wages, & coming to work in too
great numbers, at a time, some days near 30 have
offered & been received.
We also learn, the accounts are not yet settled,
with the Stockbridge nation with regard to our ad-
vance towards their Mill, nor any of the Money
received; and there is some cause to fear all things
are not right between Cap. Hendrick & his people
concerning the Money he rec’d from Governm’t at Philada
Our friends here were also persuaded that some ad-
vantageous change might be made in the arrange