burgh We then delivered to Cornplanter 100 Dollars
to carry to our young Men at Genisenguhta & look
his rec’t therefore, as also a letter
of our journey & proceedings since we left them. Soon
after which we took leave of Cornplanter & several
others of his village, and about 8 OClock set out for
Conandarque, rode this day at several Stages about,
45 Miles & encamped by a small Creek at the edge
of a large plain where we turned our horses out, and
kindled up several fires, which have been afflictively
troublesome most of this day & additionally so towards
evening; but all our efforts were ineffectual the
assaults of our little enemy were so incessant as to
admit of very little rest this night. 1st day 17th
Left this place between four & five in
the morning, proceeded on through a fat country,
with wet & boggy roads, & innumerable swarms of
Moschettoes for about 20 Miles, when we came in
sight of an house, thence to Chenesee River, about 10
Miles - soon after we crossed this River we met with
Gasper Parrish the Indian Interpreter, on his way
to Buffalo; who inform’d that Capt Chapin had ac-