ferring divisions & animosities to take place amongst
them in their present infant State, as well as the
reproach, both they and the profession they were
making must thereby incur amongst their
sober & enquiring neighbours; which appeared
to have a reach on some minds, & to prepare for a
salutacy discussion of particular circumstances
which was accordingly done, to the apparent res-
toration of harmony & order, & a day was now ap-
pointed to resume the work & prosecute it with
attentive diligence. We returned from this con-
ference well satisfied that we had given up to at-
tend it, and divers expressed their thankfulness for
this timely & unexpected assistance.
After this, we paid short visits to Saml Taylor
John Taylor Joshua Gillman & went to James
Crafords to lodge.
Set out from our quarters before Sun
rise, rode to John Hills to breakfast, after which
paid a short visit to his Son Benjm Hill and
family, thence to Wm Sundys where we dined, &
then proceeded on to Asa Schooleys where we arri
ved about sunset; having travelled about 40 Miles