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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joshua Sharpless diaries, Vol. 1 1798

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the Falls, we rode about 7 Miles to the Niagara
River, thence down the same to the mouth of
Chipaway, which we crossed in a boat & proceeding
down the Niagara, in about a Mile came to the
rapids preceding the great falls. The great body of
water which flows down this River together with the
roughness of the bottom & the rapidity of the descent,
for more than a Mile above the grand pitch occasi-
ons such an amazing agitation, dashing & foaming
of the water, as exhibit a sight both pleasing and
awful; when we arrived in the bank opposite the
grand pitch leaving our horses, we cautiously de-
scended a steep hill, we supposed of more than 100
feet in perpendicular height, near the bottom of w’ch
we found ourselves in a thick fog or mist & shortly af-
ter in a fine rain, proceeding from the falls, we ap-
proached with careful step the edge of a great flat
rock nearly horizontal with the top of the pit6ch
& hanging over the river below, whence we had a
good view at a few perches distance of the whole falls
except what was cover’d by the thick fog at all times
arising from the dashing of the Water. This fall
is said to be from 130 to 160 feet perpendicular & is
a stupendous sight, not easily described, so as to