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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joshua Sharpless diaries, Vol. 1 1798

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appear really dangerous, but we were preserved, so as
to land safe.

We proceeded up the Lake for several Miles, then
leaving it a few Miles arrived at Dan’l Pounds,
where we dined; in the afternoon walked to Joel
Morris’s paid a friendly visit & return’d; in the
evening rode to Asa Schooley’s about 3 Miles
further back from the Lake, where we lodged,
& were kindly entertained.

1st day 10th

This morning paid a friendly visit
to John Cutler & family, returned to Asa Schooleys
attended their Meeting, which has been usually
held for some time back on first days, at this house
there were between 30 & 40 individuals includg
children collected, their gathering was very ir-
regular, but their sitting in meeting exemplary,
still, & in a good degree solid, yet the want of a
more lively exercise, & religious travail was apparent.

In the afternoon we paid visits to Joseph Havens
Adam bunass & Joseph Marsh, at the last of w’ch
we lodged.

2nd day 11

About 7 this morning set out in order
to visit some friends in another settlement, before