Respected Friend
Yesterday Thomas Lelks arrived at
Cornplanters lower Village with our goods & our
settlement being 9 Miles higher up the River, we
prevailed with him to continue up to that place
if it accords with thy orders to satisfy him for this
extra troublelabour, the business will be settle; if not
please to present these lines, with his extra bill
to Abner & Jesse Barker, who are hereby authori-
zed to settle it, placing the same to the account
of Thomas Fisher of Philadelphia.
Note, We have made him a present of three Dollars
which we dont wish deducted out of his reasonable
Jno Peirce.
Isaac Craig Pittsburgh
This evening let Cornplanter know that we
should now be ready to depart for Buffalo, as soon
as would be convenient for him. He informed, he
could not be ready in less than four days; we felt,
some reluctance at being detained after our bu-
siness was done, but submitted to the time proposed.