these things they appear much disturbed as apprehend-
ing they are altogether deceived & cheated & even go so
far as to declare if they can not have justice done then
they will not receive their Money, but loose their land
We felt cautious if giving a sentiment on this
business, not being fully acquainted with it, & would
have put it off, by referring them to Capt Chapin,
as much better acquainted with it than we were, & to whom
Cornplanter & his Son expected shortly to go, on this or some
other concerns; but with this reference Cornplanter did
not appear fully satisfied, observing that Capt Chapin
had told him, that Morris was a very good & honest
Man, and yet he was got into Jail, now he could not
understand how a good and honest Man should get into
Jail, however, he said he intended to ask Capt Chapin
where his good & honest Man Morris was now.
We were at length easy to observe to them in general
terms, that it was not the advice of their Brothers, the
Quakers to sell their Land for we would rather they
would keep their land, & learn to work it themselves
but as it was not Sold, & we thought they could not get