expecting the Cart, which we adjudge not necessary,
as sledges are more common, & often more convenient,
in new countries; We also presented our letter of Credit
on them, from Thomas Fisher & Peter Barker, with
the contents of which, the said Abner/Jesse not being
at home/expressed the greatest readiness to comply
and to afford us every assistance in his power, rela-
tive to our business.
We next waited on Dr. Geo Stevenson, presented
to him Thomas Wisters letter of similar import
with the above, with the contents whereof, he also
manifested a perfect willingness to comply, & take
otherwise assistant to us as occasion might offer,
expressing at the same time, in liberal terms his
sentiments of the laudibleness of the undertaking
in which we were engaged.
We afterwards in company with the said A
Barker & Dr Stevenson, had a satisfactory confer-
ence with Israel Dep. Quarter Master from
saac Craig
whom we learn that he has rec’d no orders from the Se-
cretary of War relative to the forwarding our Goods
up the Allegany; but that General Wilkinson had
directed him to assist us in that way. He also mani-