Hendrick Smith had a great many Cattle & hogs but was very
Poor in the House; We got a little Pone & milch, and Lay on the Floor
in the Morning
Capn Hendrick came, and Took us home to his House
(3 miles) where we got a good Breakfast, unexpected to me, We made
it our home for some Time; Where we was Kindly Entertained, by
Him and his Wife
Lidia She being an Extraordinary Woman
and many of the rest very kind; and some of them I Trust Good
People; We having had councils with the
Oneidas at Different Times, to find out who stood in the
most need of help; by so Doing, we thought it right to settle at
Castle; our goods comeing to ould
Fort Scuyler 22 Miles from oneida castle
Some Farming Utensels & Impliments of Husbandry; which we
Distributed amongst the Oneidas Tuscaroras & Stockbridgs
Brother Towns Having a supply of Necessaries from
New York; They are in a Likely way of Living well if
they will; Their Land was given to them by the oneidas
and some of it was clear’d before they came on it, and it is Laid out
in Lots one Hundred Acres to a married man; they are the
remaines of 7 Tribes, They are from New England; Many
of them their yet, The Land refari’d for them if they Come
and also their Children when they marry, they Take a Lot Till
it is all Taken up; 40 or 50 Families Their now; and it