Calm, got only 5 miles on our way,
went on Shore, at a very ordinary Public House
where we tarried all
Embark'd about about 7 A.M. - the wind
being ahead, we work'd up about 9
to a Tavern One mile below the Isle
Noix, where we put up for the Night.
Set off about 7 A.M., had to stop and
give an account of ourselves at the
Fort on
the Isle aux Noix - the Wind
coming fair
about 11 oClock we got up the Lake to where
the boundary
Line intersects it in 45° of
N. Lattitude, - the Country on the East
of the Lake appears pleasant & fertile, & thickly
on both sides of the Line, - on the
West side also are many settlements,
not so flourishing as on the East. - about
One oClock pass'd the
Brittish Garrison on Point
au Fair, and also the Kings Schooner
in the Lake opposite to it, to both of which
the master of the
Boat was obliged to give
some account of himself and his Cargo.