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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journey to Detroit

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his head decorated with black feathers, and
a Scalp hanging at one Ear.-- this day we
were invited to Dine with the officers of the
24th Regiment, who treated us with great
politeness, and hospitality, there was near
15 officers at Dinner besides their guest.


Captain Hendrick

, and his party, went off towards
the Miami - Captain Hendrick appears to be the most
thoughtful and civilized Indian we have met
with, and almost the only one that we have
not seen drunk since we came to this place
- we this day had a visit from some of the
Wiandots, who reside not far from hence, they appear
to have some knowledge of our society, and were
very friendly.


This morning Captain Ford sailed for Fort Erie

- by him I wrote to New York - at 10 A.M.our friends
had a large satisfactory Meeting at Detroit, at
which many Officers and Soldiers attended-
in the afternoon at 4 oClock had another Meeting
about 6 miles down on the east side of the
River, at which were gathered a considerable
number of well­behaved People - This day
the Chippeways went on to the Council, at
their departure, they sang the War Song,
with great shouting etc. - in the evening
arrived the Snow Chippeway from Fort Erie, in