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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journey to Detroit

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about 8 feet perpendicular – the Course of the
River at the Falls about N.N.W. –- The Banks
of the River higher near the Falls than at the
entrance of the River – on the South side the
Land appears fertile, and the banks about 40
feet high, on the N. side the bank not so high
nor the land so good.


Drag’d our Batteaux, without unloading
them, about 60 yards on the Land, and launched
them into the River just below the Falls, from whence
to the distance of about One Mile, the River is very
Rapid and not without the appearance of danger
– we found several other Rapids in our way
down to Oswego Fort

, where we arrived about
2 P.M. – the distance from Fort Brewerton
I think about 36 miles by water. – Oswego
is pleasantly situated on a high point on the
East side of the River, having the Lake to the
North. – We were kindly entertained by Capt.
the British Commander, during the
few hours we staid, with whom we dined
– having no tidings of any Vessell to carry
us to Niagara. General Lincoln determined
to proceed on in our Batteaux, accordingly
it being a fine Calm afternoon, about 4
P.M. we went out upon Lake Ontario, and
about 7 pitch’d our Tents upon the Beach