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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Bank of Faith and Works United

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who resides in the Heavens. Our father (Mr. Kirkland)
the Minister, sees and hears me. I can say, I believe he
is full of thoughts, and many anxious ones have revolved
in his mind, since this council was called.

Brother, enough has been said; what is your wish?
tell us plainly! Do you want money to repair the breach
and heal the wound made in your heart? or do you prefer
a confession from the young man, who thus insulted you,
and a request for your forgiveness, promising before all
the Chiefs, that he will never do the like again? and can
you on these conditions, freely, and from the heart, forgive
him? if so, the Chiefs will be responsible for the young

The latter proposition was accepted; a noble and
generous confession was made by the young Indian, and
he received the full pardon of the White Man, to the great
joy of all present.

[Copied for her friend DOROTHY RIPLEY.]

I feel very languid with riding 22 miles in the stage,
yet have appointed a meeting in the Presbyterian church,
which I held to great satisfaction, many people attending
from curiosity, which I hope will be profited, and my soul
free from their blood. As I was on my journey I knew
not how to get the day over, but comforted myself with
this prospect, Eternity is my resting place, where all my
joys will commence.

A person of the name Alexander, who keeps store
here, invited me to sup and lodge; thus the Lord still
follows me with earthly mercies, which makes me pass
over many insults; and I had rather ten thousand pierced
me by vile reports, as myself be found once in the practice
of evil. To-morrow I purpose leaving here, though Wm.
, Inn keeper, has told me if I tarry with them over
first day, to have a meeting, it shall be no expense to me.
My money I hope will hold out, that I may not want in
this quarter, where it seems so scarce; for I am more