from, as it appeared my duty to impress their minds with
the great obligation they owed to the Lord Jesus, who
waited to bring them into His Fold of Love, that He might
be their Merciful Shepherd, and Guide them as His Flock,
being The True Light, which eightieth every man that
cometh into the world.
After we separated, I went to Skanando’s, the
Chief’s house, where the good women all followed me,
that we
might have another opportunity; for we had been
interrupted by the uncivil
minister, who followed me with
my friend Kirkland; but I was determined that there
should be none
present, who wanted the true mark of
Christ’s Disciples, even Love:
therefore told him to Go
away, and attend to his own preaching
elsewhere, which
he did, when he found I was resolute and saw the
sure which he had raised in the breasts of the women
versally. S. K. rejoiced the heart of
Skanando and the
women by telling
them, If I were spared, I intended to
return back again
to see them; and we had a favoured
time, with God’s parting
Returning to Vernon, Calvin Young signified that I
Could go no
where, that they were more wicked than
there, and requested me to
stay a month longer, to have
meetings up and down, in the neighbourhood;
and, as an
inducement, he proposed taking me to Albany in his car-
riage, with his wife, which was above
one hundred miles
off, at the end of that period, having to go there: but
quiring of my Master Jesus, I was commanded to return
back, as my
work was done there, and I was wanted else-
where. Knowing I had not money
sufficient to pay my
expenses, I desired the Lord to incline the heart of
generous friend to give me one dollar, which I thought
would be
enough, with economy, to take me to Albany,
where the Lord had richly supplied me with money to
thither. I was astonished immediately, when I acquaint-
ed my
friend that I could not stay another day, that he
answered the desire of my
heart so cheerfully, by taking